Chapter 37

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I woke up in what felt like a bed. I couldn't open my eyes, my body ached so much I couldn't manage to move a finger. But I could hear. I could hear shuffling near me, people walking around, distant voices conversing. Everything sounded muffled, and I let sleep overtake me. 

I woke up again and was able to open my eyes. I squinted in the brightness of the room. 

"Oh dear," I heard a voice say. 

My eyes adjusted and I was able to take in my surroundings. I was in my room at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Weasley was sitting in a chair beside my bed, looking at me like I might explode. Sirius was standing at the end of my bed, brows furrowed.


"You're awake," Mrs. Weasley said gently. "Thank goodness." She had tears in her eyes and I wanted to hug her for caring so much, but my body hurt too much. 

I tried sitting up.

"Just take it easy," Sirius said. 

I managed to sit up with Mrs. Weasley's help, leaning against a stack of pillows. 

"Are you hungry?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Give her a chance, Molly," Sirius said.

"I'm fine," I answered. "What happened?"

Mrs. Weasley and Sirius both looked at me, concern on their faces.

"That's what we want to know," Sirius said. 

"Dumbledore will want to be here for this," Mrs. Weasley said. "Let me fetch him." 

Mrs. Weasley left the room. The entire time she was gone, Sirius watched me as if I might disappear. 

"You need to relax," I told him.

"You're joking, right?" he said. "You scared the shit out of us. Kingsley couldn't find you, the envelope never got deposited. You really freaked us out." 

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said sarcastically. "I was busy getting kidnapped." 

A look of sadness flashed across Sirius's face. Before he could respond, Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley came into the room, followed by Remus. 

"You're awake," Remus said, relieved. I smiled up at him, eager to see familiar faces, to feel safe again. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm ok," I said, tears welling up into my eyes.

"Now the truthful answer," Sirius said.

"Everything really hurts," I said, looking down at my body. I felt hot tears fall from my eyes and quickly wiped them.

Mrs. Weasley placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You're safe now." 

Dumbledore sat at the end of my bed and Remus stood beside Sirius.

"What happened?" I asked again. 

"After you didn't check in with Kingsley," Dumbledore began, "he let me know and we began looking for you. There was no sign of you anywhere, and we understood that you likely got intercepted." 

"Kingsley and I went to Malfoy Manor and found you. They were torturing you," Remus said. 

"I was at Malfoy Manor?" I asked.

"In the basement," Remus said. "When we got there, someone apparated out and Lucius tried fighting, but eventually apparated. You were completely passed out. Then we brought you here." 

"How long have I been sleeping for?" I asked. When no one answered right away, I asked again. "How long?" 

"It's been about a week," Sirius said. 

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