Chapter 32

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The following Saturday, I sat by myself in a dingy café in Knockturn Alley. I cradled a hot mug of coffee in my hands, hesitant to drink the dark liquid in the dirty-looking cup. I had on a black hoodie, with the hood pulled far over my head, almost blocking my eyes. This might appear strange in other circumstances, however in Knockturn Alley, it was normal to see suspicious-looking people. I sat in the far corner next to the window, aware of who might be passing by outside. According to Dumbledore, Lucius Malfoy should be headed this way any minute. I spent the week laying out a plan and escape routes in case I got caught, while also avoiding Severus. He would not stop asking questions about what Dumbledore spoke to me about, but I couldn't tell anyone. I knew Severus would try to stop me if he knew I was to tail Lucius. 

As I was lost in my thoughts, gazing outside the window, I noticed a tall, blonde figure approach the café. Lucius was accompanied by two men I didn't recognize. I made note of their features, wanting to report every detail to Dumbledore. 

They started walking pass the café, oblivious to its existence - not that it was much to look at. I quickly pulled my hood further over my face and left the café, my coffee untouched. 

I shoved my hands in my pocket, my fist wrapped around my wand. I followed Lucius and the two strange men, making sure to keep a good distance between us. I was so focused on the back of Lucius's head, I collided with a woman.

"Sorry," I said. 

She gave me a dirty look, her eyes dark and tired-looking, before continuing to walk passed me. 

I looked back towards the busy street and couldn't see Lucius anywhere. 

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. 

I continued walking straight, hoping I would spot him again. I made it barely a block when a hand clamped down on my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a dark and deserted alleyway. I tried screaming against the hand, however their grip was too tight for any sound to come out - not that I really expected anyone here to help me. 

The person pinned me against the wall, the brick cold against my cheek. Their hand now held both my wrists behind my back, preventing me from reaching for my wand. 

"Following me, are you?" Lucius's voice whispered into my ear. 

I tried craning my neck to see him but I could hardly move. 

"Let's reveal who this lurker is, shall we?" his voice rang in my ear. His hand slowly came off of my mouth and reached for the back of my hood. My heart was racing as he aggressively yanked my hood back. 

Lucius adjusted himself to look at my face. Recognition flashed across his face but his grip didn't loosen. 

"Y/n?" Lucius said.

I stayed silent, trying to appear innocent and scared - well I actually was scared. My mind raced to find an explanation. 

"Don't tell Severus," I blurted out. 

Lucius swung me around with force, his one arm now across my chest, holding me against the wall, his other hand had found his wand which was pointed directly at my heart. 

"I'll give you 30 seconds to explain yourself," Lucius said quietly. 

"I was just doing some exploring in Diagon Alley and accidentally wandered over here," I said quickly. "Then I saw you and I wanted to talk to you but you were with people so I followed, hoping they would leave or something." 

His grip loosened slightly, but remained. "What's with the hood?"

"This place is sketchy as fuck," I said, my confidence growing. "Once I realized that, I put up my hood to try and keep attention away from me." 

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