Chapter 14

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That evening, I sat with my friends in the Gryffindor common room. Fred and George were going on about a listening device they invented in the shape of a human ear. I started to pack up my textbooks.

"Where are you going?" Mack asked me. She sounded slightly suspicious but I decided to ignore that.

"I promised Corey I would help him with a potion for tomorrow," I said. "I won't be back late."

Mack looked at me with concern in her eyes. I smiled at her reassuringly and left.

I made it to Snape's office and knocked before walking in. He was huddled over some papers on his desk, standing in the light of a single lamp.

He looked at me as I approached. He shuffled the papers together and set them aside. He walked over to me and wasted no time. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back. His hands slid down my back and grabbed my ass. He moved me towards his desk and grabbed my hips, then lifted me onto the desk. My legs wrapped around him instinctively.

He stopped kissing me and looked me up and down. He grabbed a fist-full of my hair, forced my head back and kissed my exposed neck. With his other hand, he managed to undue my blouse and started kissing my breasts, then my stomach. He got down on his knees and guided my legs over his shoulders. He rested his hands on my thighs and looked up at me with hungry eyes. He slid my panties off and started kissing each thigh, and slowly made his way to my vagina. He licked and suck, and I moaned in response. He slid a couple of fingers inside me and thrust them back and forth as he licked. He was brining me close to orgasm and I grabbed his hair to try and quicken his pace.

He stopped to look up at me. "Don't. Cum."

I looked down at him. "Yes sir."

He went back to licking me and fingering me. It was difficult to keep myself from finishing and I was pulling at his hair to slow him down. He finally came back up and began kissing me on my mouth. As he did this, he unzipped his pants and slid into me. He thrust hard and put his hands under my ass to bounce me up and down around his cock. I moaned and he kissed me to keep my voice from attracting unwanted attention.

"You may cum now," he told me with a groan.

As he said this, we both finished at the same time. I felt him finish inside me.

When we were done redressing, he sat in his desk chair and observed me.

"What?" I asked him.

He continued looking at me without saying anything. He eventually started rummaging through the papers he put aside. When he came upon the page he wanted, he started reading it.

"I'll just let myself out then," I said, slightly annoyed. I wanted to stay and talk, but I wanted him to want that as well.

"I have a lot of work to do," he said, never looking up at me. "It's mid-semester, you should be studying anyways."

I walked out of his office, feeling frustrated and angry at how he simply dismissed me. I refused to let him know how this hurt me. If he wanted to simply fuck then move on, I could do the same.

I walked back into the common room, where Mack and the twins were still sitting.

"That was quick," Mack said when she noticed me heading towards them.

I looked at my watch and realized I had been gone less than an hour. I forgot to check the time. "He only needed a bit of help," I lied.

I sat next to Mack and closed my eyes. I pretended to look tired but in reality, I just couldn't look her in the eyes and lie. This was getting so difficult.

"Y/n, would you be willing to do some taste-testing for us?" Fred asked me. I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Not in a million years," I told him.

He sighed.

Mack was eyeing me with more suspicion. I knew she wouldn't say anything in front of the twins but I worried about what she was thinking.

After a couple hours of homework, the common room started clearing out. I walked up to our dorm room with Mack.

She was being unusually quiet. She walked over to her bed and began putting her pjs on. I did the same.

"Goodnight," Mack said as she sat in her bed.

"Mack," I said, sitting on my own bed. "What is going on? You're never this quiet."

Mack looked at me, as if she was trying to make up her mind about something. "Where did you go tonight?"

"To the library," I told her. "With Corey."

"I just don't believe you." My heart sank as she said this.

"Why not?" I asked her.

"You left for like 45 minutes, then you come back looking like you just ran a marathon."

I completely forgot to check my appearance before coming back. My mind was preoccupied with Snape dismissing me.

"I just jogged back here," I told her.

She looked at me then looked down at her hands. I could tell she didn't believe me and I needed to think quick.

"Mack," I said. "I did go see Corey, I swear. There is something I didn't tell you though." I looked at her to make sure I had her attention. She stared at me, intently. I tried to make my face look as ashamed as I could. "We kind of made-out."

"No way," she said. "Really?"

I knew I would regret this lie but it was the only one I could think of. "Yes, it happened on Halloween too. That's where I was that night."

"I thought he went off with another girl," she questioned.

"He did," I said. "But then he found me reading outside, and I guess it didn't go far with that girl. One thing led to another, and it just happened."

"I can't believe this," she said, looking surprised. "I thought you didn't like him."

"Well, I wouldn't want to be his girlfriend. But I like having fun with him. Please don't tell anyone, we're keeping it a secret."

"I won't," she said. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I'm not sure, I just didn't want to talk about it at the time. But you know now."

She smiled at me and continued asking me questions for the next hour. 

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