Chapter 29

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Once Dumbledore was back in the Great Hall, I made my way into the deserted classroom. The room was poorly lit, the occasional candle flickering in the dim light of the setting sun. There were a couple of windows that looked over Hogwarts Grounds. Tables and chairs were stacked on one side of the room, covered in thick dust. A teacher's desk that was flipped on its side stood at the opposite wall. It was clear this room was not in use anymore. Severus stood near the windows, his face partially darkened by the light against his back. He leaned against a table with his arms crossed, looking at me apprehensible.

We stood across from each other in silence for what felt like minutes.

"Dumbledore seems suspicious of us," I finally said, my voice quiet and calm.

Severus closed his eyes for a moment, looking slightly frustrated. "That is what you make of our conversation?" he asked me.

After I remained silent, Severus spoke again.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked.

"I... don't know," I replied, looking down.

"What more can I do?" Severus took a few steps towards me and hesitated.

"You still lied to me," I said defiantly.

"What was I meant to do?" Severus asked. "I had to hide that part of myself and I know that you are capable of understanding why."

I walked towards the window, my back to Severus and closed my eyes for a moment. My head felt full of information but my mind didn't know how to piece it together, to make sense of everything that has happened in the last 4 months. I opened my eyes and watched Hagrid, the groundskeeper, pulling something towards his hut in the distance.

"This is so hard," I said quietly.

"What is?" I felt Severus approach from behind me. I saw his hand hover inches from my arm, hesitant to hold me, then he dropped it back to his side. I really wanted me to hold me.

"This is never going to feel like a real relationship, is it?" I asked, continuing to watch Hagrid.

"No, it's not," Severus said sternly. "It can't because it's not a normal relationship, y/n."

I took a long breath before turning towards him. He was so close to me, all I had to do was reach out and I could touch him.

"So what now, then?" I asked, breathing in his scent.

Severus took a step towards me and looked down at me through his lashes. "You either accept that and continue as we are..."

"Or?" I asked, looking down at his hands that now enveloped my own.

"Or you find a way to move on."

I looked up and before I could think about what to say next, he kissed me. His arms wrapped around my waist and his body pushed mine against the window and he kissed me hard. His tongue explored my mouth and I melted into his kiss. I never wanted this moment to end. I felt so close to him and I never wanted to part.

My hand was tangled in his hair. He split my legs with his knee and then kissed my neck, leaving marks along my skin. I gasped in pleasure, wanting him to take me here.

I pushed at his chest, forcing him to take a step back. He looked at me perplexed, breathing heavily. I dropped onto my knees and looked up at him. He looked down, his stare full of hunger and desire.

I unzipped his pants and felt his arousal against my hand. I pulled his hard cock out and rubbed my hand back and forth once. I looked up at him to see his eyes rolling back. He let out a soft moan.

I continued rubbing him back and forth, back and forth, while watching the pleasure in his face build. He had one hand against the wall behind me, so he was leaning over me, dominating.

I continued rubbing, building up my speed when I suddenly stopped. I bit my lower lip and looked up at him.

"Don't stop," he panted and grabbed my head with his free hand.

I took him in my mouth fully, his hand gently guiding my head back and forth. One of my hands supported the base of his cock while my other hand wrapped around his leg.

He breathed heavier, quicker, a low growl escaping from somewhere in his throat. His hand guided my head faster and faster. His cock was hitting the back of my throat and I closed my eyes. I ran my tongue against the length of him, hyper focusing on the tip. His hand urgently tugged my hair, indicating me to continue sucking.

I sucked, licked, and rubbed harder and faster before he let out an audible moan and I felt him release in my mouth. I swallowed and licked him clean. I then stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand while I watched him zip up his pants. He looked exhausted but satisfied and I smirked.

"You look pleased with yourself," he commented through breaths.

"I could say the same for you."

Voices could be heard from somewhere in the hall, getting louder.

"Sounds like dinner is done," I said as I looked towards the door.

Severus continued watching me.

"What?" I asked.

"I might be less available for a while."


"Mr. Potter needs to take remedial Potions," Severus said nonchalantly.

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "Are you sure you're not grading him poorly on purpose?"

Severus looked annoyed for a split second before speaking. "I forgot how inadequate you think of me as a teacher."

I blushed. "You know I didn't mean that."

"I'm sure there is some truth in it," Severus said. Before I could reply he continued. "It is not of your concern why Mr. Potter needs remedial Potions, but you need to respect that I will be less available to you. I will do my best to tell you when so you do not interrupt. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good girl," he said as his lips twitched upwards.

"Now, we need to find a way of leaving here without being noticed," Severus said as he turned towards the door. The noise in the hallway grew significantly louder.

"We might just need to entertain ourselves until they leave," I teased him. 

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