Chapter 24

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I woke the next morning feeling tense, my body aching from the drama of the night before. I thought about how much I wanted to be done the task before midnight, so I could kiss Severus into the new year. I felt disappointed but still angry. I didn't understand what he was so upset about. Yes I put myself in danger, but isn't that part of the job?

I walked downstairs to find most of the household in the dining room, chatting and eating breakfast. Everyone's heads turned towards me and I wanted nothing more than to leave. Mrs. Weasley approached me and handed me a cup of coffee before I had the chance to sit down.

"Dumbledore wants to see you in the office straight away," Mrs. Weasley said, looking slightly apologetic.

I was glad to have a reason to leave, not ready to face anybody yet, not wanting to explain anything.

I walked into the office. Severus was already sitting in a chair. I couldn't see his face, and he didn't turn when I came in. Dumbledore wasn't even here yet. I hesitated by the door.

"So I'm a child, am I?" I asked.

Severus rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands as I sat in the chair next to him. He sighed before speaking. "I didn't mean it like that, I was angry." Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, squinting his eyes tight.

"Being angry doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want," I muttered.

"You're right," Severus said, finally looking at me for the first time.

His gaze lowered to my arm, bruised from where his fingers gripped me. Severus's expression softened into something that appeared like regret. He turned his body towards me, reaching out and softly touched the bruise. I winced slightly, and he hesitated.

"I did that," Severus said, more to himself than me.

"It's fine," I mumbled, looking away from him.

"But it's not," Severus said, continuing to touch my arm gently. He looked surprised and sad, and for a second I wanted to forgive him. "Y/n, I'm so s-" The last word died on his lips as Dumbledore walked into the office.

Severus composed himself, his expression still looking slightly shocked.

"Good morning," Dumbledore said, cheerily.

I placed my coffee cup on a side table as I mumbled a greeting back.

"I'd like to know exactly what happened last night," Dumbledore said, sitting down behind the desk and looking at us each in turn. "But first, Miss l/n, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I said. Dumbledore glanced down at my bruised arm. "Honestly." My hand reached up and covered my bruise.

"I don't necessarily mean just physically," Dumbledore went on.

"I'm fine," I repeated, positive nobody in the room believed me.

"Severus," Dumbledore said, turning his attention to Snape. "Can you explain to me what happened?"

"Lucius asked Miss l/n to dance," Severus began explaining. "Someone came to speak with me and I lost sight of her. Next thing I know, I'm not able to locate them anywhere in the ballroom. I was... panicked slightly, knowing how persuasive Lucius can be. I went to search the bedrooms first." I looked down at my lap, feeling embarrassed, worried what Dumbledore might think of me. "I ran into Narcissa who was looking for her husband." At this point, I completely looked away, wanting to run from this conversation. "I told her that I thought he was upstairs, somewhere, hence hoping she would look upstairs while I searched downstairs." Snape glanced my way. "She didn't know I was searching for you." I looked into his eyes, and thought I saw empathy for a split second before he turned back to Dumbledore. "Someone downstairs told me they saw them go into the dining room, but it was empty. I didn't actually think she had gotten into the office, but I checked anyways. I walked in and Lucius was extremely and inappropriately close to her."

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