Back With Me

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I'm sorry that these stories are kinda short, it's just really late at night right now and my attention span is short

It's been almost 3 months since Eddie Munson died in the upside down. It's taken everyone a while to return to their normal selves since the tragedy. Especially Dustin and Steve.

"Steve." Eddie said stepping forward.
Steve turned around and looked at the man he possibly maybe had a tiny crush on, hoping to hear something good. Eddie looked different, he was serious. His eyes were soft but his eyebrows were hard. It looked like he was having conflicting thoughts about something. Steve was about to ask what was wrong when Eddie spoke.

"Kick his ass." He said, returning to his original, relaxed self.
Steve nodded and walked away. Hoping he said more.

Steve regretted not saying more to Eddie before they went to fight Vecna. He should've admitted his feelings to him and then maybe he would've got some closure before he..died.
Steve had always wondered what Eddie actually wanted to say. It was something he'd never seen before. He was so serious and then he just...changed.

Anyway, unfortunately, the gang will have to return to the upside down. Will and Eleven both started getting a sense that Vecna was alive, and over the past few months he's been regaining his strength. So now they were outside the gate to the other world. This was going to be interesting.

The gang, being the idiots they are, decided to split up once again. Jonathan and Nancy, Robin and Max, Lucas and Dustin, Mike and Will. Eleven and Steve decided to split off by themselves. Being back here brought back traumatic memories for everyone. But they had to do this.

Steve was looking around when he came across Eddies trailer. Tears filled his eyes as he walked towards it. He slowly opened the door and was greeted to a voice.

Hello big boy... (LMAO HELP)

Steve froze. He recognised that voice anywhere, but how...

You're probably wondering how I survived huh?

Steve shook at the gravelly voice. It didn't sound normal. He slowly turned around and was met by Eddie or rather, something that looked like Eddie. He was levitating and his eyes glowed a deep red.

"Eddie, are you ok?" Steve choked out.

You left me.

Tears streamed down Steve's face.
"I didn't want to, truly I didn't we just-"

I think you should leave.

"I love you." He said suddenly.

Eddie faltered. Love? He loves me? I love him. No. Yes? I love Steve Harrington.

His eyes stopped glowing and he slowly sunk to the ground. " came back?" He said, his voice normal once again.

Steve suddenly ran forward and embraced Eddie in a hug. He'd been waiting for this moment for a long time. Eddie hugged back, burying his head in Steve's neck, he began to sob. The other rubbed small circles on his back and that caused Eddie to look Steve in the eye.
They held eye contact for what felt like and eternity. They slowly got closer together, noses touching and then lips colliding.
It was a short, but sweet kiss and it was all they ever wanted.

"I love you."

"I love you too Stevie."

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