Past Lives

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Sorry if this is a bit messy it's 3am

Robin, Vickie, Jason (who's not a dick in this), Eddie, Nancy, Johnathan and Steve all decided to go on a walk during the hot summer break. The sun beat down on their faces and the birds chirped gleefully. Everyone was calm, laughing and making jokes, following Robin and Vickie to a 'secret spot' they found the other week.

They made their way down a hill, past the infamous 'kissing bridge' and rounded a corner to see beautiful tan rocks and green trees, below was a calm, turquoise body of water.
"Here we are!" Robin yelled, "the quarry." She said majestically waving her hands.

"So, who's gonna jump in first?" Jason asked, basically jumping for joy. The rest of the group murmured looking at each other, smiling and joking.

"Are you kidding?!" Steve spoke up. "That thing is probably filled with germs and diseases like cholera or... something." He looked down at the quarry in disgust.
Groans and murmurs spread through the group of 7 until Eddie shoved through them and leaped off the cliff, plummeting towards the water. Everyone cheered as Steve looked in fear.

Everyone followed one after the other, screaming and cheering as they jumped. Steve looked down as everyone was waving at him and giving him a thumbs up.
"Ah fuck it.." Steve said as he closed his eyes and jumped.

Now everyone was in the water, games and water fights began. Laughs and screams of joy echoed through the quarry.

Eddie slowly stalked towards Steve, low in the water, he then stopped suddenly. He strayed from his plan and tapped Steve. "Dude i just got the weirdest feeling of deja vu.." he said quietly. "It's like all of this has happened before."

"Dude stop messing around.." Steve laughed awkwardly, splashing Eddie slightly.

"I'm not joking I'm serious! It's freaking me out." Eddie said raising his voice slightly.

"Oh come on Rich. You always try to scare me with this stuff it's not funny." Steve snapped.

"...what did you just call me?" Eddie asked, faltering. There it was again. The strangest feeling that this has all happened before.

"I called you Eddie.. cause that's your name jackass." Steve replied.

"You know what? If you're not going to listen to me. I'm just going to leave. I'll wait for the rest of the group by the bridge. I don't care if you show up or not." Eddie said, swimming off and walking back up the rocks.

"What was all that about?" Robin asked Steve.

"I have no idea..." Steve replied hastily.

Eddie was angry. So angry. Steve never listened to him. He never took him seriously. It's like he was a joke. Never taken seriously. Just a dumb old trashmouth. He approached the kissing bridge and sat down, dangling his legs off the edge, watching the water flow under him. A tear slipped down his cheek. He stared at the engravings on the bridge and saw a familiar one next to him.


Eddie swore he'd never seen it before but it just seemed so familiar. It's almost like he carved it himself. He reached up his hand and traced his fingers over the initials.

Then it all came back to him.

His Eddie.

"What was that all about?"

"I have no know what? I think I'm just going to check on him. He seemed off." Steve said tapping Robin on the shoulder before getting out of the water.

He made his way up the stairs and spotted something shiny just before he reached the top. He reached down and picked up a small silver ring. It was covered in sand and dust, the shine was only visible because of the summer sun, and there were a few words carved into it. He brushed away the dust and tried to make out the worn out words.

Together forever.


"Well guys, I should get back before my mom has an aneurysm." Eddie said getting out of the quarry.

"Nooo Eddie spaghetti stay a little longer." Richie exclaimed dramatically, slipping under the water.

Everyone laughed and Eddie rolled his eyes. "Bye guys." He smiled.

Richie watched as Eddie walked up the rock stairs, debating wether or not to follow him.
"Aw shit guys I have to go to, I have a 9:30 appointment to bang Eddies mom." And then he followed his friend up the stairs.

"Eds wait!" Richie raised his voice.
Eddie spun around.

Richie reached into his pocket and took out a small black box and reached inside. He gestured towards Eddie to put his hand out so he did. Richie slipped a ring onto Eddies finger, it was a silver ring that read 'together forever'.

Eddies face lit up. "Thanks Rich.." he said kissing the other on the cheek and walking away.

Both boys without the others knowledge began running towards where their friend was. They rounded the bend unanimously and looked at each other for a moment before running into each other's arms.

"Richie?" Steve spoke, tears streaming down his face.

"Eds.." Eddie cried, never wanting to let go.

They looked at each other and shared a passionate kiss.

"I told you..." Eddie sniffed.

"Told me what?" Steve laughed slightly.

"Richie and Eddie. Together forever."

Ok so ignore how most characters in IT are still alive in '86. In this universe the entire losers group died in '53 and were reincarnated '66. The current time period is '86.
Both boys are almost 20.

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