The Kas Theory

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The lake shimmered under the silver moon. Sat down on the frosty grass, Steve looked up at the clear sky that was painted with stars. He's late. He thought to himself as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, head still lifted to the sky.

"Sorry I'm late, sweetheart." A voice rang out through the calmness of nature.
Steve opened his eyes and smiled, as Eddie dangled above his head, feet slightly floating above the ground.

"Sit down would you?" Steve laughed to himself a bit.

Eddie sat oddly close to Steve, but that didn't bother him. He was just happy that Eddie was alive...well, sort of.

You see, after Eddie died in the upside down, it turns out that Vecna survived. He managed to bring Eddie back from the dead but he was now a vampire servant who 001 named Kas. Eddie and Steve crossed paths a few months ago and there was magic, fighting and lots of crying. Eventually, Eddie escaped Vecnas hold and is now spying on him for Steve and the gang.

Eddie had now told Steve all the information he knew and now the boys both sat in an awkward silence.

"So.." Steve began. Eddies head snapped towards him, his eyes hopeful and wide, making Steve's heart skip a beat. "How've you been? You know with the whole..bleh." On the word bleh Steve formed fangs with his fingers and bared his teeth making Eddie laugh lightly.

"It's hard but, it's getting better. I'm learning to deal with it more." He said without looking Steve in the eye.

"Come up man." Steve said, lightly punching Eddie on the shoulder. Eddie gulped and looked at Steve, his eyes were bloodthirsty and his fangs were longer than usual. Eddie slowly leaned towards him, going towards his neck but he suddenly snapped out of it and avoided all form of contact with Steve.

"If I told you about the darkness inside of me, you'd never look at me the same." Eddie whispered, not looking at Steve. Steve gave him a knowing look, reassuring him there was no judgement. Eddie took a deep breath.

"Every time I look at someone for too long I... you know.." he mimicked the hand gesture of fangs Steve did earlier. "But it's hard not to you, I mean. Becoming a vampire meant all my feelings are amplified, which means my.." Steve looked at him, hope filling his face. Eddie continued, " for you. Is amplified. I've realised it's both a blessing, and a curse to feel everything, so very deeply."

There was a silence for a long time, which if Eddies heart still worked, would make it race. Eddie finally looked at Steve, looking for signs of hatred, homophobia, disgust. But all he could see was pure joy, pure love. Steve couldn't stop smiling. He slowly reached up and held Eddies face. This made Eddie wince as the scent of Steve's blood got noticeably stronger. Steve leaned in and kissed Eddie quickly on the cheek. He didn't want to be there too long in case it scared Eddie off.
He removed his hand.

"I love you too. We can take it slow, one step at a time ok?"

Eddie nodded, taking Steve's hand. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

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