A Colourless World

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The world had colour, it always had. The human species just couldn't see them. Until they met their soulmate of course. Some would look their entire lives and would die without finding them, while others would meet them at birth, and grow old together. To reveal who your soulmate was, all they had to do was touch.

Steve Harrington swore from the moment he realised he liked boys that he'd never touch anyone. He refused to have his soulmate be a guy even if it meant seeing a colourless world for the rest of his life. It was the 1980s for gods sake, no one would accept it. It's not like he would hate having a boy for a soulmate, in fact he would love it. Just as long as no one found out..

Eddie Munson on the other hand, well he was fully aware of his homosexuality and he was fine with it most of the time. He was determined to find his soulmate and would ask for a handshake or a high-five whenever he met someone. However, if someone didn't want to, he wouldn't force them.

The two had never met before but they were about to. Dustin Henderson, a friend of the two was organising a laser tag get together with kids from Hellfire and from California. Dustin and a few of his other friends could already see colour so the game would surely be more fun for them then it would be for Steve and Eddie.

Eddie arrived 30 minutes later than everyone else did. "Fashionably late as always, huh Ed's?" Dustin said running up to him and giving him a high five. "So as far as I'm aware, you've already met everyone, El, Mike, Will, Lucas, Erica, Robin..I think the only one you haven't met is Steve. Go say hi and we'll start playing!" He said giving Eddie a playful nudge.

Eddie sauntered over to Steve, trying to act calm. Good god he was beautiful. "Why hello there sweetheart, I don't believe we've met. I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson." He introduced himself sticking out his hand.

Steve stared at Eddies hand but didn't go to shake it. "Pleasure, I'm Steve, Steve Harrington."
Dustin yelled them over because the game was about to start. Eddie looked over at Steve awkwardly and tried to make small talk.

"Not too keen on finding your soulmate huh?" He said laughing a bit.

Steve faltered, Eddie was so...attractive. "Actually, I do want to find them..I'm just scared that if it turns out to be a guy I'll be like, I don't know.. banished from society or something." Steve kept a comfortable distance away from Eddie to make sure they didn't touch at all. Ironically, it made them both quite uncomfortable.

They rounded the corner and entered the darkness that had thin white lights shining around. Stupid not being able to see colours.
Conveniently, Steve and Eddie are on the same team. The red team, of course they couldn't see the red but whatever.

"You go left I go right." Steve said about to walk off. Eddie ran in front of him, making sure not to touch Steve, he didn't want to ignore his wishes.
"You know Stevie, who cares if your soulmate turns out to be a guy, it's none of their business. As long as you're happy, why should they care?" He then walked around Steve and went left, looking for other people to shoot.

Steve's heart fluttered, he was right. As long as he was happy, why should it matter?

The game was in full swing, beams of light being thrown all across the black room. Dustin and Lucas were cornering Eddie and Steve. Both boys slowly backed into a corner. Then their enemies shot them and ran off. Steve and Eddie both groaned and turned towards each other, unaware they were close to each other. They head butted each other and fell to the floor.

"Ow, Jesus H Christ!" Eddie said holding his head. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a red light in front of him. "You ok Steve?"

Wait a damn minute...

"Holy shit...Eddie..do you see colours too?" Steve whispered, crawling over to Eddie, grabbing his shirt.

Holy shit...

"Yeah man..I do." Eddie replied looking into Steve's, gorgeous blue-grey eyes.
Both boys smiled at each other and laughed, and then hugged.


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