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Steve stared at Dustin, fake concern written all over his face, although what Dustin was describing would make anyone else think he was nuts.
"Ok so Eddie died almost 3 months ago right?"
Dustin said quickly.

"Yeah.." Steve replied. Hearing the words Eddie and dead in the same sentence made his heart sink.

Dustin gulped and looked Steve in the eyes, showing no trace of a joke, "I think he's haunting me."This made Steve laugh harder than he had laughed in the last 3 months.

"Dude come on! Books are flying off my shelves, something keeps pulling my hair in class, my Hellfire shirt keeps falling off the chair I keep it on and the weirdest thing is I always roll a 20 when playing D&D, I literally never roll a 20!" Dustin rambled all in one breath.

"Dustin..." Steve's face turned serious for a second before breaking into a smile, "that's seriously the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" He laughed.

"Seriously Steve I 100% I'm being haunted by Eddie!" He yelled, causing some people around them to turn around in confusion.

Suddenly, something quickly caught Steve's eye as it sped past. Steve tried to follow the shadow across the room with his eyes ignoring Dustins complaining then it stopped suddenly and the blurry black swirl turned into a figure stood behind Dustin.


"Oooo I'm a ghosstttt." Eddie said while flicking Dustin in the back of the head.

"Ow son of a- Steve please tell me you saw that!" The boy pleaded.

"Woah what the fuck.." Steve gasped quickly standing up, eyes widening.

"Wait..you can see me? Holy shit...that means my-" Eddie stared into Steve's eyes.

Steve walked away, leaving a very confused Dustin sat alone.

"Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve." Eddie repeated, tapping the other on the arm over and over.

"Hell no!" Steve yelled, shoving his hand away. "How the hell- why the hell? Why me?!"

"Steve...you're in public. People think you're talking to air. You look insane. Can we talk about this at your place?" Eddie asked putting a hand on his hip.

Steve looked around, saw people staring, nodded and started walking home.

They both reached Steve's house and sat down on the couch. An awkward silence hung in the air for a while before Steve spoke up.
"So.. you going to explain what the hells going on? I mean..you're dead and I'm the only one that can see you and it's kind of freaking me out so-" Eddie interrupted by putting his hand on Steve's, intertwining then together.

Eddie took a deep breath, "ok..so I'm going to try make this as simple as I can. It turns out that when you die and you have unfinished business, your soul gets bonded to the person who's most likely able to help finish your business on Earth. Does that make sense?" Eddie stared at Steve looking for any sign of relief or reassurance.

Steve stared at Eddie for a moment, before reaching out a hand and prodding Eddie in the face. "So you really are real.." Steve murmured, slowly running his hand across Eddies cheek, to his forehead, to his hair, across his jaw and to his lips. Both boys were in a trance, blushing, but Steve realised what he was doing and quickly stood.

"Do you have any idea what your unfinished business is?" Steve said walking towards the kitchen. He began making a sandwich...for some reason.

Eddie blew a raspberry, "not really..I mean I did pretty much everything I wanted to. Drank, did drugs, went to concerts, visit skull rock the make out spot, get framed for murder, accidentally adopt 3 kids into my D&D cult, died saving peoples lives. I can't really think of anything else."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Alright, we'll I guess you're staying here with me until you remember." He playfully hit Eddie in the arm going up to his bedroom.

"Where you going?" Eddie asked, shouting up the stairs.

"To bed! You can have the spare room, it's next to my room." Steve said before closing the door behind him.

Not even a goodnight huh? Eddie thought to himself, walking to his new room for god knows how long. His heart ached at Steve's passiveness. Did he not miss him?  Was he not happy their souls were bonded? Is Eddie just a chore to him? He sighed and went to sleep. They both cried that night.

It had been 2 days since Steve knew he could see Eddie. They've had the odd interesting conversation here and there but most of the time it was Steve asking if Eddie remembered what his unfinished business was and Eddie just murmuring 'no'. But today was the day Eddie finally figured it out.

Eddie looked across the table at Steve that morning watching him do a word search. He looked so gracious doing anything and everything. He observed Steve, he tapped his pen against the table as he thought, his eyes lit up as he figured one out, his tongue stuck out slightly in concentration. He was beautiful. Steve looked up, blushing slightly. "What are you looking at Eds?"
Eddie turned crimson, whispered a quick 'nothing' before turning his and Steve's attention back to the word search.

Eddie suddenly had a flashback. He remembered.

Before Eddie died, roughly 2 months before, Eddie had developed a crush on the infamous Steve Harrington and planned on confessing when the time was right. And then..well, you know, he died. His face turned even more red as he turned back to Steve.

"Steve?" Eddie asked, fiddling with the pins on his jacket.
Steve looked up, confused.
"I figured it out.."

"Really?!" Steve jumped up from his seat and hugged Eddie, "finally you can be at peace! What do I need to do?"

Eddie didn't speak but Steve felt Eddies heart rate increase while hugging him, he looked up and raised an eyebrow, stepping away from Eddie a bit. There still wasn't enough room for Jesus though.

"Steve I...I think I'm in love with you. I have been since I met you. I've always wanted to tell you but with all the monsters and death and Vecna/Henry/001...there just wasn't enough time to tell you before I-" he was cut off by a finger being held to his lips.

"I love you too Eddie.. I'm sorry I've been so passive over the past two days it's just that, you coming back made all these feelings resurface and I didn't know how to act." A tear rolled down his face.

They both looked at each other slowly moving closer, noses brushing against each other, pulse racing. They shared a loving, gentle kiss that only lasted seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. They looked at each other and smiled. However, Steve's smile quickly faded and he almost whispered.

"Eddie..you're glowing."

They both looked at Eddies hand as golden sparkles began engulfing him, it quickly moving up his arm.

"I guess you don't have unfinished business anymore huh?" Steve almost sobbed.

Eddie pulled Steve into a hug, Steve's head rested on his shoulder. They held each other tight and cried. Neither wanted to let go. They couldn't lose each other again. Eddies grip began to losen the more he faded.

"I love you Steve." He choked out.

Steve looked at him and held his face, well hovered over his face since he was hardly anything more than a pale shadow now.

"I will see you soon, my love." Steve sobbed as Eddie disappeared in a mist of gold.


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