At Fault

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Max and Eddie both survived the attack on Vecna but remained in the hospital for 2 weeks after the attack. Everyone was greatful they weren't dead. But Steve couldn't help but blame himself. Maybe if he went with Eddie and Dustin to fight the bats, Eddie could've been saved. Or maybe if he got out of the vines quicker he could've killed Vecna before he got to Max.

Now Steve Harrington had been avoiding Eddie Munson and Max Mayfield for roughly 2 months now. He's shared the occasional 'hello' with Max but that's because she was nearly unavoidable because of Dustin and Lucas. But he always managed to avoid Eddie. Every time they made eye contact or he heard Eddies voice he would bolt. It pained him whenever he did it but he couldn't bare to see his face, all the guilt would come flooding back.

The only person he told about it was his best Platonic with a capital P friend, Robin. One day he was at her house and he just completely broke down. Robin tried her best to comfort and convince Steve it wasn't his fault (bless her soul) but not much helped. So he just...avoided his problems.

And frankly, Eddie was sick of it.
He honestly had no clue why Steve began ignoring him, all he knew was that he was determined to find out.

Steve was walking down the hallway, minding his business as usual when suddenly a hand grabbed him and pulled him into the janitors closet. He was about to hit whoever the mystery person was but they switched the light on which made Steve immediately calm down. It wasn't some creepy murderous-pervert who was going to kill him. It was Eddie Munson.


Panic rose once again, his chest tightened, he breathed faster, his heart began racing. "Miss me Harrington?" Eddie said. He showed no sign of emotion that would give him away not even his signature Munson smirk. Steve didn't reply. He was paralysed with fear and guilt and...relief? Eddie continued.

"Care to explain why you've been avoiding me for 2 months? I mean we literally defeated a demon together and then you just act like we've never met. Come on man, fess up." Eddie nagged, his voice breaking slightly.
Steve wouldn't make eye contact so he didn't see it, but Eddie had to quickly wipe a tear from his face to avoid breaking down. He took a deep breath and lifted Steve's chin up so he'd look at him. There was nothing but love in Eddies face, although the other couldn't see it.

"I..." Steve's eyes filled with tears, he tried to hold them back but he broke. He leaned against the wall and slid down, head in his hands. His breathing was fast, his eyes burned, he couldn't move. All he could choke out was a faint, "do you hate me?"

This took Eddie back for a moment. He slowly moved towards Steve and sat next to him. He cupped Steve's face and whispered.
"How could I ever hate you?"

"Because I failed..I let Max and you get hurt, you could've..." he swallowed, taking a moment. "You could've died. And it would've been my fault, if I just went with you or got to Vecna sooner then neither of you would've got hurt." All of this was said through sniffs and broken sobs, he wouldn't dare look Eddie in the eyes.

Both boys were crying now, Steve more than Eddie. "Steve..." Eddie began, placing his hand on the others, "There was nothing you could've done Steve. It wasn't your fault about Max, or about me. You were trapped in vines and I was stupid. I was so stupid. You literally told me not to be a hero but then me, being the dumbass I am, decided to lure the bats away and try fight them myself. None of that was your fault..I could never hate you, Steve. In fact, I love you." Eddie looked at Steve and Steve finally looked back. Eddie had fear in his eyes, fear, sadness and love.

Steve looked at Eddie, his heart rate increased once again, but not in panic, in excitement. He thought Eddie hated him, he thought he'd live avoiding him forever.

"I love you too, Eddie." Steve sniffed, wiping a final tear from his eye before grabbing the hem of Eddies shirt and kissing him gently on the lips. His hands tangled in Eddies hair and Eddies hands stroked the back of Steve's neck.
They broke the kiss for air and spent the rest of school sat in the janitors closet talking and hugging.

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