I Loved Him

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Oooooo boy this is a sad one.
Prepare yourselves.

What does it mean when you like boys and girls?
Steve typed into the search bar on his computer.

It'd been almost 2 years since the gang defeated Vecna and saved Hawkins. Steve and Robin went off to the same collage 8 months ago and still kept in contact with everyone else. It was fun, but the new environment made Steve question a few things about himself.

Bisexuality. The attraction to two or more genders. Some may like boys more, some may like girls more, and for some it may be 50/50.

(I know I'm only mentioning boys and girls but it's the 1980s so non binary and genderfluid etc weren't recognised. I'm genderfluid myself)

As soon as Steve read the definition he knew. He knew that all this time, the guys he's been closest with..it wasn't friendship, it was attraction. All the weird feelings around his new classmates in collage, Tommy, Billy...


Oh my god. He loved Eddie Munson. And now he's gone. Shit.

Shit shit shit SHIT.

Tears began streaming down Steve's face. He loved Eddie. Eddie is dead. He would never get closure. A knock came at the door and Robins voice rang through "Steve, you in there dude? I need my wingman."

Steve ran to his bathroom and locked himself in. Robin slowly opened the door, hearing sobs coming from where Steve was.

"You willing to let me in Stevie?" Robin asked quietly, putting her head on the door. Steve mumbled a weak 'no'. So Robin put her back to the bathroom door and sat down, waiting for steve to speak.

"I.." steve began, trying to to sob mid sentence, "I'm bisexual, Robin." Steve stood up and began pacing across the tiled floor.

Robins eyes widened. "That's what you're so worked up about? Dude, you'll always have me, you'll be ok I swear it."

"No!" Steve coughed, "sorry. I mean..that's not what I'm upset about. You..I.."
Steve whispered the name 'Eddie' almost inaudibly but Robin heard and she realised straight away.

"You realised you loved him huh? And since he's gone you'll never be able to tell him in person?" She said slowly, reaching for the door handle.

Steve was suddenly filled with rage, he knew it. But hearing someone else say it made him feel so guilty. He yelled many profanities and punched the mirror, shattering it into thousands of pieces. This made Robin flinch and immediately push open the door to check if her friend was alright.

Steve was on the floor, blood dripping from his hand, sobbing violently. "I wish I realised it sooner Robin. I loved him..and I think I still do." He said, gasping between words. He was crying so much. He almost couldn't breath.

Robin knelt down and hugged her best friend tightly, tears brimming her eyes. She hated seeing Steve cry. Suddenly, she had an idea.

"You can still confess to him you know? Get some closure.." Robin said wiping tears from Steve's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked sniffling.

"Robin what're we doing here?" Steve asked coldly. The graveyard. Somewhere he never wanted to go again. He'd seen too many people die and be buried here.

"We're going to get you closure. You are going to walk up to Eddies grave and confess your undying love to him," she started, emphasising the word undying with a smile. "And then, you're gonna come back to the car and eat ice cream with me." Robin then shoved Steve out of the car and stared at him threateningly before he started walking up the hill towards the graveyard.

Steve reached Eddies grave. He stared at the words carved on his stone.
Here lies Edward Oliver Munson.
A dear son, friend and classmate.
Taken from us too soon.

He then looked towards all the graffiti covering the stone.
Satan worshipper

This made Steve's eyes fill with tears once again. He walked towards the bucket and sponge that was usually used by family members to clean moss and dirt of gravestones. He then began to scrub the cruel words off his dead lovers stone.

"Hey Eds..so, I'm sorry I haven't visited you in a while I've been busy..figuring some stuff out." Steve gulped. "Ok look, I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm in love with you, I have been since we met and I have been for the 2 years you've been dead. I just didn't know what I felt was love until...until it was too late. So Eddie Munson, I love you. And I wish.." a tear fell down Steve's face, falling onto Eddies grave. "I wish you were still here so I could hug you and kiss your stupid face."

Steve finished cleaning Eddies grave and began to walk away. "I really do love you, Eddie." He whispered.

"I love you too, Harrington."

This made Steve immediately turn around and begin sobbing when he saw him. The man he just confessed to.

"Eddie?" He choked.

"In the flesh." Eddie spoke, he began crying too.

Steve ran towards him and almost hugged the life out of him (again). And then he smacked him across the head and called him an asshole before hugging him again.

"Sorry I'm late sweetheart."

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