I Loved Him Pt2

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"Steve! Steve wake up!" Robin yelled, shaking Steve violently. He had been cursed by Vecna and Robin had no music with her.

Steve's mind

"Sorry I'm late sweetheart." Eddie smiled warmly.

"How are you alive?" Steve asked, inspecting Eddies face to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
Eddie slowly moved Steve's hand away from his face.

"You left me to die, Stevie.." he growled, voice echoing.

Steve stepped back. "What? No..no no no. I- I didn't!"

"Yes you did..you

A low growl could be heard from all around. The green grass turned to red, wet mud. The sunny sky turned dark and stormy. The summer oak tree behind Eddie turned grey, ashy and dead. Eddie fell to the ground, shaking violently, Steve was trying to decide wether to run or help. Eddies body morphed and twisted, his bones broke and changed.
He finally stopped shaking and stood, but not as Eddie.

As Vecna.

Steve started running.

Outside his mind.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT. GUYS HURRY HIS BONES ARE STARTING TO SNAP!!" Robin screamed, trying to grab Steve as he floated up.

"WE CAN'T FIND ANY MUSIC!" Dustin yelled back, the entire gang rummaging through boxes. Robin looked at Steve, desperation filling her eyes.
"Hang in there Steve." She ran to help look for music.

In Steve's mind.

Fuck fuck fuck. Steve repeated to himself sprinting as fast as he could. He couldn't believe he fell for it. Of course it wasn't Eddie. Eddie would never love him back.
He reached a door that was closed with wood and bolts. He tried to pull off the wooden guards but it didn't work. Vecna spun Steve around.

"Steve..I'm here to help you, you'll finally be with the man you love."
Hearing Vecna say that made him almost gag. He loved Eddie sure, but hearing vecna say it, made him sick to his stomach.

What if Eddie wasn't actually dead? What if Vecna spent all this time hurting him?

All Steve's thoughts stopped at once. He was in pain. So much pain. He wanted to scream but no sound came out. He felt all of his bones break, one after the other. His head hurt, it felt like his eyes were going to pop out of its sockets. He felt his own warm blood dripping down his face. Then suddenly, it all stopped.

Steve fell to the ground, in his own mind and in the real world. He was dead.

White light flooded Steve's eyes as he opened them. There was a silhouette stood in front of him. His eyes slowly came into focus.


Steve stood up immediately to try and run, this wasn't the real Eddie. He went dizzy and fell, before he hit the ground 'Eddie' caught him. "Woah there Stevie."
Was this the real Eddie.

"Get off me.." Steve choked. He couldn't go through this again. Eddie sat Steve down and sat next to him.
Steve looked at the other, his eyes looking for any flaws or differences to the real Eddie. A difference in his voice, clothes, face, hair. He couldn't see anything.

"You're not real." Steve whispered putting his head in his hands, he began hyperventilating and shaking, rocking back and forth repeating you're not real. You're not real. You're not real.

"Steve, of course I'm real..well as far as being dead makes you real." Eddie said, slowly reaching to touch the panicked man's hand.

"Wait...dead? But that means.. ugh! It doesn't matter if I'm dead or alive. How do I know that this isn't just another trick? Tell me something only you would know."  Steve said, still visibly shaking.

"Something only I would know huh? Let me think...aha! Those stains on my bed! That happened when we both got really drunk and high one night and-"

"Ok! Ok! It's you..jeez man." Steve laughed, wiping tears from his eyes. "It's really you."
Steve jumped on Eddie, hugging him as hard as he could. They both broke into laughter. If he was still alive the breath would be taken out of him.

They looked at each other, love in their eyes.
"I love you too, by the way." Eddie laughed.

Steve blushed but before he could reply Eddie grabbed him by the collar and kissed him passionately. It was the best thing that'd ever happened to either of them in 2 years.

Steve broke the kiss first.
"Wait...holy shit.."

"What's wrong." Eddie asked, sitting up.


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