Thin Line Between Love and Hate

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This chapters a bit longer than usual just be aware lol.

Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson never got along. No one really knows why, they just annoyed the hell out of each other and every time they spoke it usually ended up in a fight.
This was an issue because they both had the exact same friends. So it was always either Robin or Dustin that had to separate the two.

Today was April 1st, the famous April fools day. The second most loved holiday in Hawkins (after Halloween). The gang who consisted of Robin, Nancy, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Eleven, Max and Johnathan all came up with a plan. It was a Saturday so they would all meet up for lunch to execute it.

They all watched from the table as Both Steve and Eddie shoved past each other to see who would be the first one to get to the table. Basically everyone rolled their eyes.
Robin walked up to them and greeted them both. She then grabbed both of them by the wrist and yelled "Dustin now!"
With that, Dustin appeared behind them and handcuffed them together. The pair then sat down and the whole table unanimously said "April fools."

The two boys looked at each other in disgust and confusion. Robin explained to them that the group was sick of them fighting constantly so they'd be handcuffed until tomorrow morning. "Deal with it." She said, smirking and walking off with everyone else. Leaving Steve and Eddie alone.


"Come on, we're going back to my place and we're gonna stay there for the rest of today." Steve said pulling Eddie along by the wrist, the handcuffs tightening around their arms.
Eddie didn't speak he just allowed himself to be pulled along.
They both walked up to Steve's car and stood still.

"What shall we do now oh mighty steve? Because as far as I'm aware. We cant get in the car with handcuffs on." Eddie said rolling his eyes.

Steve blushed with embarrassment. "Shut up before I punch you. Let's just get the bus." Steve pointed at the bus stop where the bus had conveniently just arrived. Eddie scoffed and followed him. It's not like he had a choice anyway.

When they got on the bus they were greeted by stares, murmurs and giggles. What made it worse is that there were no seats so they had to stand. Thank god Steve's house was only one stop away. Eddie and Steve tried to ignore them but then they heard someone behind them say, "don't look at them sweetie, queers like them are into some unusual stuff."

Eddie bit his lip and turned to look out the window, tears brimming his eyes but was suddenly pulled around by Steve.
"So babe.. you want to kiss me or what?"
Eddie looked at him, blushing. Pure confusion covering his face.

"Come on.." Steve continued, "you, me, handcuffs. How much more exiting can it get?" He spoke in a husky voice lowering his head to Eddies neck to make it look like he was kissing it. But he wasn't, he was just kind of hovering there whilst his free hand was trailing through his hair.

Eddie was frozen. His face a crimson red. He looked around and saw everyone on the bus looking at them in shock. They've probably never seen two queers, or what looked like queers, do anything like this. Some gagged, some looked interested, others looked at them with admiration.

The bus came to a stop and Steve conjoined his handcuffed hand with Eddies. Steve kissed him on the cheek and looked behind him, winking at all the people on the bus.
As soon as they stepped off Steve let go of Eddies hand and gagged. Although, a thought in the back of his head told him he liked it. But he quickly pushed that aside. They reached the living room of Steve's house and then Eddie spoke up. Well more like..yelled.

"Dude. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Eddie shouted, shoving him.

"What was what?" Steve spat. Red covering his cheeks and ears. Eddie was too mad to notice.

"ALL THAT SHIT! HOLDING MY HAND? PRETENDING TO KISS MY NECK? KISSING MY CHEEK?!" Eddie was screaming at this point. He felt so violated. Not because he didn't like it, because he did, but because it was in front of a ton of strangers.
What are you thinking you didn't like it Eddie come on you hate Harrington.

"Look dude, I just wanted to give those homophobes a show. I was angry, and I didn't like them calling you a queer because.. never mind I shouldn't have done it, I realise that now...I'm sorry." Steve said looking Eddie in his gorgeous brown eyes. Gorgeous? Tf no? Gross Steve come on.

Eddie smiled that classic Eddie smile. "Did the famous Steve Harrington just apologise to me?" He fake gasped and pretended to faint in Steve's arms. Steve smiled, rolled his eyes and dropped Eddie on the floor, forgetting they were handcuffed. Steve fell on top of Eddie and blush covered both their faces. They were so close. Steve began to lean closer towards the person underneath him, noses brushing together. But then suddenly and alarm went off, braking the boys apart. Well, as far apart as they could get while handcuffed.

"What's that alarm for?" Eddie asked.

"Oh it's my reminder to make dinner. Sometimes I get distracted so I forget. What do you want to make? You know since.." he gestured to the handcuffs.

Eddie blew a raspberry before replying, "pasta?"

Steve agreed nonchalantly and they both sauntered to the kitchen, hands subconsciously brushing together.

They worked in perfect sync, hands and bodies gently brushing against each other occasionally, causing both the boys to blush. Neither of them understood why they felt that way whenever they touched. But they began to accept the feeling. They both managed to eat with the handcuffs fine because Steve was left handed and Eddie was right, which meant both their free hands were the useful ones.

They chatted away for hours surprisingly without fighting once. There was playful banter but nothing that caused any harm. But now it was time for bed. This was gonna be fun.

The boys tried out many different sleeping arrangements that were on the bed, sofa, even outside in the garden. Finally they settled on Eddie sleeping on the floor and Steve sleeping on the bed with his arm hanging off the bed.  "Good night Steve." Eddie whispered.

"Night Eddie."


"Oi steve, You awake?" Eddie whispered.

"Yep." He said, turning his face down to look at Eddie. "These handcuffs are so uncomfortable."

"I know right." Eddie groaned.

"I know something that could make you more comfortable." Steve winked at the other. What was he thinking?

"Are you flirting with me Harrington?" Eddie said, propping his head up with his arm.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm sleep talking without you knowing." Steve laughed, waving his free had around making zombie noises.

Eddie laughed and yanked his handcuffed hand down, making Steve fall off the bed and onto Eddie. Eddie flipped him off so they were facing each other laid on their sides.They looked at each other, lost in each other's gaze.

"I thought you hated me Stevie?" Eddie smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ditto." Steve replied, his face getting slowly closer to Eddies.

"I guess there's a thin line between love and hate." Steve whispered.

They could feel each other's breath against their faces. Lips almost touching. Heart beating widely in their chest.

"Just kiss me already dumb ass." Eddie said.

Steve closed the distance between them and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Eddies hands trailed down to Steve's waist and Steve's wandered up into Eddies hair, pulling on it lightly making Eddie moan. Unfortunately, because of the handcuffs, they couldn't really do much else apart from make out so that's what they did until sunrise. Getting slightly kinkier as the hours went by.

I'll let you imagine what happens when the handcuffs come off. I also didn't really finish it because I'm not entirely comfortable with writing full on smut just yet. Anyway this was the longest one shot I've ever written so hope you enjoyed it!

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