On the stage

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"Detective Steven Harrington please report to the chiefs office." A voice boomed through the speakers. The other officers around him all went ooooo. Steve rolled his eyes and laughed as he stood up to go to chief Hoppers office.

"What's up Hop?" Steve walked through the door and sat down, not bothering to knock.

"I have I case for you. I know your relatively new here but I trust you enough to handle this case." The chief handed over a case file.
Steve skimmed through the pages as Hopper continued to explain. "The now infamous 'star killer' has murdered 5 well known members of different bands in less than a week. We believe we know the next victim. His names Eddie Munson, he's the singer and lead guitarist of a metal band called corroded coffin. We need you to go to his show tonight to act as a body guard and hopefully catch the killer."

Steve looked up in shock. He had only been a detective for about a month and he was already asked to work a serial killer case. Wow.
"You can count on me chief." He almost choked out as he stood and walked out of the office.

The time of the show approached fast and Steve is now stood in a trailer, waiting to meet the next suspected victim. The door flew open and a man with long, brown hair, eyeliner and a leather jacket sped towards the makeup area in the trailer.

"Are you Eddie Munson?" Steve asked, watching the other man intensely applying eyeshadow.

"Yep, why? Oh wait- are you that detective dude that's meant to guard me? Stan was it?"
Eddie said, still shuffling through the trailer.

"It's Steve." He smiled, "I have a plan to protect you and catch the killer."

"Go on.. I am listening by the way I just get very busy right before a show so I apologise if I'm coming across as rude." Eddie spoke quickly, darting from place to place.

Steve followed Eddie with his eyes. "Well, we put out some information about your show saying there would be back up dancers circling you during one of your songs. I met all of the dancers before hand so I'll see anyone I don't recognise. Hopefully the killer will sneak in and I'll be there to catch him."

Eddie murmured something and turned to Steve. "Sounds good! It'll be during the final song right?" Steve nodded. "Great! Try not to let me die sweetheart." He winked and ran off to get on stage.

The show ran smoothly for each performance and Steve was almost entranced by the way Eddie moved, he was so graceful.
The final song was about to begin.

The dancers slowly filtered in and began circling Eddie. Steve blended in and began scanning everyone's faces.


A man Steve didn't recognise. He had brown hair and a beard. And he was holding a knife.
Steve pushed through the dancers, keeping his eyes on the killer. The dancers began to disperse so Steve made his move. Conveniently the climax of the song was reached when he said "Hawkins Police Department your under arrest!"
Suddenly, the man bolted towards Eddie and Steve tackled him to the ground. They rolled around, throwing punches and kicks. By the end of the song Steve had the criminal in handcuffs and the lights blacked out.

"Here you go chief." Steve handed over the criminal to go check on Eddie.
"You alright?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"A bit traumatised but yeah I'm ok, thanks for you know...saving my life." Eddie playfully punched Steve's arm.

He winced.
Eddie glanced at Steve's arm and saw the sleeve of his white shirt was now a crimson red.

"Jesus H Christ Steve, are you ok man..? That looks deep."  He said, worry painted on his face.

"I'm fine, I just got nicked in the fight. I'll patch it up in the car." Steve laughed slightly, trying to distract himself from the subtle pain.

Eddies face softened. "Ok, as long as you're not dying or something."

Steve smiled, "yeah...well, I'll see you when I see you." He then began to walk away.

"Oh uh, Steve?" Eddie almost yelled. Steve walked back towards him. "Do you wanna maybe, go out sometime?" His face was painted red.

"Oh uh, Sure!" Steve smiled joyfully, taken back by the sudden gesture.

"Tomorrow, 2pm?"

"It's a date."

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