Chapter 1- "Can I strangle you please?"

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Amy P.O.V
Beep, beep, beep, my alarm went off on my phone. I flicked it off and stood up yawning it was 6 am but I always get up this early, just to surprise my family.

I went in for a shower and used my lemon body wash so I definitely woke up with that. I also used lemon tea scented shampoo. Wow I am going to be fragrant. I shaved everywhere and got out of the shower.

I sat down on my bed looking around my room. I had a kingsize bed, with teal quilting and walls. I am the only girl in my family so I get treated like a princess a lot. I put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head before I dryed my hair and then straightened it, my brother Mike always said I don't need to but I like it.

I checked the time before changing into my light blue jumper with a pink skater skirt that came just above my knees. I was wearing wearing pink shoes with a platform. I put on the lightest make up on and then I walked into the kitchen. I adjusted my bra strap. The only main problem with this outfit is when I jump the slight glimmer of my bra shows threw, which my brothers won't approve of.

Speaking of the devils, my younger brother Taylor came downstairs he's fifteen, only a year younger than me though he acts older

"Hey Tay" I said rhyming his name.

"Hey Amz" He said, I smile at out cute nicknames.

"What's got you out of bed" I ask as he is always last up.

"Nicks snoring" He said rolling his eyes

"Man mom and dad gave birth to a foghorn" I joked,

"I heard that" Nick said walking into the room.

"Erm I meant Will" I said as he walked into the room.

"You meant me what?" He asked,

"Best big brother ever" I said,

"Hey" Nick said from the kitchen

"And us" Two more voices chimed in, Mike and
Brandon walked in and I put my head in my hands.

"You're on a roll" Taylor whispered to me. Yep that's right five brothers, but they're not all the same don't worry,you see Taylor is the one I can talk to and I'm actually kinda protective of him but as always it goes both ways.

Next is Nick, he is the one I can always talk to(I can talk to everyone) but he is also mainly protective of me,he's a senior in school and everyone knows that if one boy touches me, makes a move on me, or even flirts with me will reach my brother, who will then tell the rest.

Mike is the kind one me and him get along really well, but with anything to do with me he becomes scary.

Brandon is the classified bad one but he once beat up a boy who said my ass looked fine,his words not mine.

Then lastly Will the big boss,he is in charge all of the time even when mom and dad are about, he also controls the whole no boyfriend rule. That I really don't understand. But I do like it kinda as well there are a lot of pricks in my school so good I have five bodyguards to help me out with that.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked Will,

"Waffles" he said, I jumped to my feet and started making mine.

"Make me some too" Nick shouted

"Yeah me too" Came a clamour of voices.

"No way" I said turning to face them whilst the waffles were cooking.

"But you make them the best" Brandon moaned

"And I thought you were 20?" I moaned right back at him.

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