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Me and Eddie have been going out for 6 months now and everything is good. It is it's amazing, right now I am seated at the end of my kitchen table trying to negotiate with my three oldest brothers to let me go on a spring break trip.

"Please guys, Taylor and Nick will be there. It's not like I'm going on my own." I said

"Yeah but you'll be with your boyfriend. We know what boys your age think" Mike said,

"Yeah but you don't know what Eddie thinks. Guys a full six months I've been dating him, why can't you trust me" I said, Will sighed and nodded his head.

"She's right six months she's been dating the guy and Tay and Nick will both be there. You can go." Will said. I smiled really big and hugged all three of them. I ran upstairs to my room and texted Eddie.

I can go

Good how did you make you're brothers cave

A special talent I like to call charm. I've used it on you once or twice.

Haha very funny

I know I should become a comedian

Pack your bags we're leaving at one.

I looked up at the time it was eleven. Two hours great, I pull out my suitcase and look at it. It's kinda big but I always need a carry on.

After two hours of extensive packing I am finally done. Just as the doorbell rings.

Do you know how hard it is to carry two suitcases, a carry on and text at the same time. Really hard.

"Here let me help you" Brandon said grabbing my suitcases and carry on. When we finally reached the bottom of the stairs Brandon literally dumped down all of my stuff and walked away. Boys. I heard a car horn beep and knew it was them.

"Bye guys" I said hugging the older ones goodbye. I grabbed my stuff and walked out to the spacious mini van. I sat down next to Eddie and cuddled up to him, I felt his arm slink around me as I fell asleep. We had been idiots and had decided to go to California even though it's like an twelve hour drive. Great. I felt Eddie's weight on me and I realised he must have fallen asleep as well.

Eddie P.O.V

When I woke up the car was silent, Nick was driving and Cerys was up front beside him, then behind them was two rows each containing 8 seats and one three. We sat at the very back across from Aedan, Paola and Katy. We have been driving for almost six hours, I felt Amy stir from beside me,

"Morning" She said in her sexy morning voice.

"Morning" I said kissing her forehead, I pulled her up onto my lap and she kissed me, it was gentle soft, but I was having none of that. I kissed her back roughly, I hadn't seen her in five days, I needed this I wanted this. When suddenly we got wacked apart, I saw Mia standing there smirking at us holding a pillow.

"God Mia you could have been a bit more gentle"Amy hissed holding her head.

"Oh sorry Amz I wasn't thinking" Mia said backing away, I had forgotten how cranky Amy gets in the morning.

"Right ok Nick I need food." Amy shouted, Nick nodded at her and pulled into the nearest 7/11. Amy bounded out and ran straight for the shop. I caught up with her putting my arms around her waist and swinging her around.

"Eddie let me go" She squealed and I put her down. She walked normally in until she got to the sweets aisle, great. She piled stuff in the basket at one point I'm positive she didn't look as she put in some diapers. I pulled them out and placed them neatly back on the shelf.

"Right that's all Amy" I said grabbing the basket off her and playing for it. Well Amy insited she did so that's what happened. When we got back to the van everyone gaped at the amount of stuff we have.

"Seriously you guys I only bought a packet of chips" Aedan moaned,

"Was there a limit on it" Amy asked,

"No" Aedan muttered, she smirked and looked at Nick.

"I'll take over" She said,

"You sure?" He asked pulling over and getting out.

"Postitive" She said, Cerys was sleeping so Nick had to sit next to me. Great.

Amy P.O.V.

Cerys woke up when we were an hour away and screamed.

"What is it" I asked

"I thought you were Nick" Cerys said

"Gee thanks" I said

"I don't think that's an insult" Nick shouted from my old seat.

I pulled up at the beachhouse, it was kinda like Cerys's but bigger. Each couple had their own room and Katy was all by herself. I do feel sorry for her now but she'll find someone. Everyone emerged from the van and I ran towards the house. I ran upstairs and put my bags on the bed. Eddie came up and smirked at me. I closed the door and he lifted me up pushing me against the door and slammed his lips against mine. I moaned into his mouth and he slipped his tounge in, our tounges battled for dominance and Eddie won, I felt his tounge explore my mouth. Oh god it felt so good. When we had finished we walked downstairs to see everyone sitting eating take out.

This trip is going to be interesting

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