"God what have I done"

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(A/N Amys outfit above)
Amy P.O.V.
It's been three months since the argument and I haven't spoken to them. I miss them so much but I'm not one of those people who will just give up on their argument. I miss the laughs we always had, I miss it so much. I got my drivers licence so I can drive myself to school. I wipe a tear from my face. But it's pointless it's just one of many. I've cried myself to sleep ever single night,you would have thought that at least Taylor would have given up by now. But no, they continue to laugh and have fun rubbing it in my face. At school I sit with my friends whilst they all sit together. At least my parents are home because if they go it will become very hard not to crack and that is a bad feeling. I crawl down from the roof where I was sitting and into my bedroom I sit down on the bed and cry myself to sleep once again.
Mike P.O.V.
"Guys we've really screwed this up" I said and put my head into my hands.
"It's her fault she said it" Brandon said, I nod and walk upstairs to my room. I hear a weird noise coming from Amy's room. I try the door handle but it's locked when did she get a lock? I walk back to my room and fall into a dreamless sleep.
Taylor P O.V.
I want my big sister back, we were so close why did this happen. I blame myself, if I hadn't mentioned a boy and if we hadn't ignored her at lunch then none of this would have happened. I feel terrible.
Nick P.O.V.
Yeah we're being a little harsh but thats because we want her to see the consequences if she does have a boyfriend. We did feel sorry, but she would feel worse if she had her heart broken by some scumbag.
Mike P.O.V.
We are just looking out for her, Amy can't cope with stress we all know this so we are just trying to leave things for a while.
Brandon P.O.V.
To be honest me and Will know nothing about it, yeah Taylor mentioned a boy a few weeks ago, but this is getting silly. We have all never have fallen out as much as recently. Me and Will are trying to keep out of this as much as possible. But right now Will' s on a trip with his college mates. So I'm in charge. Great I have four moody teenagers on my plate. I get up from my place at the table and head to my room. I pass by Amy's room and hear her sobbing. I knock gently on the door, but she didn't hear me. I pushed it open and saw my baby sister curled up into a little ball with tears streaming down her face. I think my heart just broke seeing this. I walk forward and sit her on my lap. She sobbed onto my shirt and I didn't know what to do. Amy never cries and when she does it's because of a lot of things. I stroked her hair, I feel so guilty am I blind how did I not notice her like this before. She stops crying and I put her into bed. Now to talk to the boys. I walk downstairs sadly.
"Dude what's up" Mike asked.
"Amy" I responded
"Is she ok,do we need help, I'm gonna call an ambulance" He said turning away.
"She's physically fine, Michael" I said using his full name.
"Mentally?!" He whispered.
"She cried herself to sleep tonight, Mike"I said sorrowfully
"Gods it's all our fault" Mike said, Nick and Taylor came up behind us.
"What is?" Nick asked,
"Amy cried herself to sleep tonight" Mike muttered, he looks guilty he better feel it too.
"What!" Nick said running upstairs, I made a move to stop him but Mike put a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't you know how close those two are" he said and I nodded, I saw my shirt was still wet from the tears so I pulled it off and got a new one.
Amy P.O.V.
I heard someone knock on my door expecting it to be Brandon again I open it. Instead I see a very guilty looking Nick standing there. He hugged me tight, usually I would have shoved him off, but I missed him and hugged him back.
"God we're all so sorry, we're just a bunch of assholes who deserve a good kick up the ass" he muttered. I giggled and it felt weird I hadn't been truly happy since we fell out.
"Let's go downstairs" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me down with him.
"Amy" Mike shouted and picked me up and swung me around, whispering apologies in my ear. Last was Taylor my little brother who looked so guilty right now. He ran forward and hugged me. I was welcomed back into my family. After all that there can't be any more drama can there be???
A/N Aww they made up, but not for long.( laughs evily)

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