The beginning

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I will cover ages 12 and 14
Age 12
Amy at 12.
I walk downstairs well hop but who cares, I mean like big deal I hopped down a few stairs doesn't mean I've started WWIII. When I walk into my gigantic kitchen and I mean gigantic,my oldest brother Will is sitting there. He's 18 and is trying to get into Uni. My second eldest brother is Brandon and he's taking all of the exams at the moment. Then it's Mike, then Nick then Me and finally Taylor. I jump up onto the stool and point my toes.
"Gill said that I'm nearly ready for points" I said, Will nodded in response.
He was so not paying attention, I jump down from the counter and pour a glass of milk, I don't know why, it's just I needed milk.
"You're weird" Nick said walking into the kitchen and ruffling my hair.
"Yeah well so are you" I said smirking, it was the first day of the summer holidays so we were throwing a barbecue to celebrate.

It was the hottest day of the year so u went upstairs and changed into a white vest top with flowerly leggings, I tied my hair out of my face and skipped back downstairs.
"Willllll" I said dragging out the L.
"What?" He asked,
"Well since you love me can you pretty please come with me to get ice creams" I said, he lookes at his coursework for a moment before standing up and putting me on his shoulders.
"We're getting ice cream" He shouted and all of the rest of my brothers came rushing downstairs. I jumped on Mikes back and he grabbed my legs supporting them. We have only a five minute walk until we get to the ice cream shop. It's so good, seriously like heaven in your mouth. We walk down the street people staring at us as we do so.
"Alex?" I shouted and jumped off Mike's back and accidentally kneed him in the kidney.
"Oww" He groaned,
"Sorry" I said before I hugged Alex.
"So how was Spain" I asked,
"Fine, lots of cute boys" She said,
"Alex you're 12" Mike said shaking his head;
"Yeah so?" She said
"Well you're too young to have a boyfriend" He said
"Didn't you have your first girlfriend when you were our age" I said
"Yeah so?" He continued looking puzzled catch up Mike.
"Well presuming she was a girl, then yeah" I said, he nodded and then smirked.
"Yeah well she didn't have four older brothers" Mike said.
"Oh god please don't tell me you'll be those protective brothers" I groaned, Alex having enough of the conversation walked away from us.
"Yep" he said popping the p. Help me please God help me. We get our ice creams and meet some of Mike's friends. They were like brothers to me like how Alex is a little sister to them. Me and Alex grab our ice creams and sit outside in the sun.

Age 14
"But I don't understand" I moaned sitting cross legged in the studio b.
"Follow me"Gill said, me and Alex were the two youngest in senior troup and were auditioning to stay in the troup. In the auditions we bring in different judges and in front of a audience. We were in the front row of the dance. We continue to practice and I do my flip. Later on we have the auditions and I perform my solo perfectly. I am in Elite.
A/N just so you could see how passionate she is about dance. Also her brothers completely against Dating, which will be vitally important in the next few chapters

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