Oh Crap

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"Okay so I need volunteers" I said running downstairs.
"For what?" Mike asked
"In the boy girl dance I need someone to practice lifts with me" I said
"Wait boy girl dance as in dancing with a boy" Nick said
"No" Brandon butted in.
"Right you guys can choose what I wear who I date but you do not control my dance" I said grabbing a flapjack.
"Are you on your period?" Nick asks, I turn swiftly on my heel.
"You know what I don't understand is that boys have the fucking audacity to say something like that when it's probably just down to the boy's bullshit" I shouted, all of them backed away.
"But no I'm not" I finished and sauntered out of the house.

I arrived at the studio in a shitty mood. Am I on my period, I took a mental calender and nope I'm not. I walk in and put my gym bag down and started teaching the dance.

"I need food" I moaned to Alex, she chuckled.
"Let's go to Starbucks" She said and I smiled, Starbucks is bae don't dare disagree.
We arrive in Starbucks and I order a iced frappe,
"So talk what's stressing you out" Alex said, she knows me too well.
"Well..." I start, but where do I start,

"The party whilst you were away getting trashed I escaped, out into my balcony and guess who joined me" I said
"Who?" She asked taking a sip of her green tea.
"Eddie" I said and she spat her tea back out. "Eww" I squealed.
"Did anything happen" She said
"Nope he said I'm a good mate" I said,
"Mmhmm yeah ok trust me no one can turn you down" She said
"Aww thanks so what happened with you when I left" I asked, she blushed bright red,
"So what happened is nothing but before you came downstairs and Brandon started screaming. Nick came up to me and asked if I was ok and gave me his coat." She said, normally I would hate it if one of my friends wantes to date my brothers as it seems like they have just been using me to get some, I don't tell them though I'm a big girl and I can deal with some bitchiness and if someone without any brothers can deal with it then so can I.
"That's fine I approve" I said, she smiled.
"He won't ask me out anyway" She sighed,
"Well I've gotta go see ya at school tomorrow" I said standing up. I had to meet my duet partner. When I got there, no one could be seen, well the Seniors and Elite were here. I walked into the main studio and tried choreographing by myself, this is impossible.

After a hour of trying I gave up, the guy was still nowhere to be seen.
"Needing some help" I heard a familiar voice shout with a tint of humor.
"Can you pick me up" I said
"You're that fat you can't pick yourself up" He joked, I stood to my feet in mock humor and pulled up my shirt just high enough for him to see my flat stomach. He raised his hands in surrender.
"What I actually meant is can you pick me up in the dance, my partners a no show" I said, he nodded and jogged down the steps of the open studio.
"Sure" He said, I practiced the dance and jumped into his arms, he smelled like aftershave. I've always been a sucker for that, his hands are firmly attached to my bare waist as my top rode up when I jumped, I turned my head and noticed how close he was to me. I could feel his breath on my face.
"Amy Eds what's going on in here" A voice said, we both turned and saw Sam standing there smirking,
"Nothing Sam," I said as he placed me on the ground.
"Right..." She said unsurely, "Anyway Eds mom's waiting outside in the car" She said, I watched as they both left the studio. I grabbed my bag and headed out to my car. I placed my bag on the passenger seat as it went off.

Hey glad I could help with the dance don't over stress. Sleep you need it-Eddie

I smiled and started my car,he was right I do need sleep.

I stumbled into my house and into the living room.
"Woah hey baby sis you look exhausted" I heard Mike say, I was then picked up and carried up to my bed. School tomorrow. Yay.

School shall be interesting very much.

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