"Calm your ham"

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A /N Amy's outfit above.
Amy P.O.V.
"Amy wake up" Brandon moaned
"No!" I shouted
"Get the water" Brandon shouted, my brothers always keep a bucket of water in case I don't get up. I feel ice cold water pour over me. I scream.
"What you dumbasses" I shouted, I opened my eyes and saw Will standing laughing at me. I grabbed a shoe from the floor and threw it at him. Will and Brandon both ran out of the room. I got up and hopped into the shower. When I got out I put on my outfit, I put my hair into a messy side pleat.
"Morning boys" I said,
"Morning" they all said, I wasn't really hungry to I decided to skip breakfast.
"Your foods here" Mike said pointing at it, he's not stupid he probably just wanted to say that to alert the other boys.
"Yeah I know I'm just not hungry. " I said, I heard plates clatter and suddenly five angry confused boys turned around and faced me.
"What do you mean you're not hungry" Taylor growled.
"I'm just not"I said leaving to grab my bag. I heard whispering which stopped when I walked back in.
"What?" I asked questioningly
"Amy are you anorexic" Will asked concerned.
"What no, calm your ham"I said rolling my eyes.
"It's just you seemed really moody lately" Nick said
"Yeah I know it's this thing called a period"I said smirking at their red faces.
"Ok" Will said looking down at his breakfast. It was really because of the fact that I would see Jordan today anf that is anticipating.
"Why are you all dressed up?" Brandon asks.
"No reason" I said
"It's a boy!" Taylor shouted all of a sudden.
"TAYLOR" I moaned.
"It is about a boy then"Mike said, the room went a deadly quiet, Taylor was just joking but I gave it away.
"Amy" Mike said cautiously.
"Look guys I'm sorry I just want to wear nice clothes to school"I said grabbing myself a bowl of cereal.
"Boys lay off her" my mom said coming downstairs in a plum slip dress with black stilettos, her brunette hair cut into a bob. She was a buisness woman like my dad. My dad was tall about six seven, he had dark hair but he was kindhearted.
"Mom" I said hugging her
"Amy" She said pulling me close. Taylor ran up and hugged my dad who was behind us. Because me and Taylor are the two youngest we miss our parents more when they go on their buisness trips. I finish my cereal and head out to the car Mike following me.
"Just because mom and dad interrupted the conversation before doesn't mean that it won't get finished" he said opening the car door. I get in, my brothers are like this they'll not really mind but as soon as a boy is involved it changes. Nick and Taylor get into the car after us and Mike drives us to school. I get out angrily and upset the full journey they had ignored me over Jordan of all people. I like like the boy but if my brothers are gonna treat me like this is it really worth it.
At break Jordan comes up to me and grabs my soda bottle out of my hand and starts singing with it. I laugh and wink at him. He keeps on coming up to me and my friends. In english I walk in and smile.
"English buddy" he shouts
"English buddy" I shout back and walk over to my seat. We sit and laugh all during the class. At lunch I walk in and look at the table we all normally sit at, my brothers are sitting there but their friends are sitting there as well leaving no space for me. Well that's me told, I turn and see Alex and sit beside her and my other friends.
"Hey" I said,
"Hey why aren't you at the family table" Alex asked
"Look" I said they all turned and looked.
"Wow harsh" Cerys said
"I know" I said looking down at my lunch, Mia hugged me.
"They're bastards treating you like that" Alex growled,I nodded. Usually I would defend my brothers but I've done nothing to deserve this at all. All I've done is talk to a boy which if that could get you arrested then everyone would be in jail. They treat me like a baby I hate it. I'm older than Taylor but of course that wouldn't matter. I'm just a girl aren't I well if they treat me like this they have no power over me at all. At this moment of time I hate them. After lunch I have all of the boring subjects like math and spanish. Then it's end of the day, I walk out to see Mike driving away with my two brothers inside. I walk inside and call my mom to come pick me up. She drives up in her black Lamborghini and opens the door. I get in and my mom hugs me.
"Why didn't Mike pick you up" she asked.
"Ask him I'm sure he won't tell me" I said looking down at my phone.
"He's just angry about that boy" my mom said laughing.
"Mom they didn't let me sit with them at the lunch table today" I said.
"Seriously" my mom asked shocked.
"It feels like they've kicked me out of the family" I mutter
"They'll get over it" My mom reassured,I smile my mom is the best she's always there for me when I need her. We pull up outside the house and my mom leaves to get some pizza. I walk inside.
"Where the hell have you been" Will shouted,
"Ask those bastards" I said pointing at Mike,Nick and Taylor who were all sitting playing the XBox.
"Don't call your brothers that" Brandon shouted, that was it. I'm sick of them treating me like this.
"What brothers I have none" I said blankly,
"What do you mean?"Mike said.
"I have no brothers, I might have lost you but you've lost you're only sister." I said before running up to my room.
A/N Oooh the boys have really done it this time. Well thanks I'll update soon.

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