Beach date

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It was a bank holiday weekend and me and Eddie had scheduled a date, a beach date, this is gonna be fun.

"Bye guys I'm off to the beach" I said, I was wearing my favorite beach outfit.

"Bye" Will said waving goodbye to me. I felt kinda guilty I mean yeah I was definitely going to tell them, I just didn't know how or when or where, but other than that I'm all set. My hair loosely flowed at my shoulders and I had it in beach waves, yeah I know it sounds pretty stupid to be going to the beach in mid November. But Cerys has a beach house down there and that's were we're staying, me and Eddie overnight. I see him waiting for me and he gets in, he leans over kissing me and after a few minutes I pull away.

I put the roof down on my convertible and we done that whole woo hoo thing in the wind. Eventually we pulled up at the beachhouse, it looked spotless. It was a small white bungalow looking over the cliffs and in the back had a small walkway to the beach. I unlocked the front door and walked in, it had a homely feel to it and had one master bedroom, lying on the kitchen table was a box of condoms with a post it note saying be safe kids. Oh Cerys.

"Look at this" I said to Eddie, he looked up and laughed.

"That's Cerys for ya" I said, I took another look around and smiled. This is perfect. Eddie hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my head.

"Let's go to the beach" I said excitedly and grabbed his hand pulling him behind me. I started walking down the road and it was really narrow.

"Careful Amy" Eddie warned as I slipped, he grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me back up, before I could fall to my death.

"Fuck" Eddie muttered, I grabbed my arms around his waist.

"Let's go the long way" I said, he nodded and followed me up.

When we eventually reached the beach, I took off my sneakers and carried them in one hand, Eddie did the same but with his other hand he laced his fingers with mine. I smiled up at him and looked out to the ocean.

"Well come on then" I said running forward, he laughed and raced after me. I ran into the water and it was freezing, like actual baltic, I screeched and jumped on Eddie who caught me and ran out whilst trying not to piss himself laughing.

"Well now I see why the beach is deserted" Eddie laughed, I chuckled and we walked across the beach and just as the sun was setting Eddie leaned down and kissed me.

Slowly we trudged our way back to the beachhouse, when we got in, Eddie lit the fire and sat on the armchair right beside it putting his feet up.

"I'm getting changed" I said and left for our room, wow never thought I'd say that. I got into my teal pj bottoms with a white tank top.

I had just brushed my teeth and wad heading to bed when I walked in front of Eddie to get it when he pulled me back down onto his lap.

"Now this is comfy" I said snuggling up to him, I rested my feet in the crook of the armchair and my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

I woke up to strong arms around my waist pulling me into them. Eddie I thought. I stretched and sat up.

"Good morning" Eddie said in his morning voice which was oh so sexy,

"Did I ever tell you that your morning voice is like super sexy" I said, he laughed and pulled me back to him.

"Sleep" He said "It's like 6:30"

"Eddie it's 9:30" I pointed out to him.

"Close enough" He said and I fell asleep again.

"Wake up Amy" Eddie said in my ear, I groaned and turned over.

"Come on I made bacon" He said, I sat up.

"Bacon?" I asked, he nodded.

"Bacon" He confirmed, I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I squealed, and headed off towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going kitchen's that way" Eddie said,

"Yeah but I need to pee" I said walking into our ensuite.

Refreshed, I run out to the hall in my pjs and saw the bacon,putting barbecue sauce on them I ate like a pig, hey I was really hungry. Eddie smirked at me,

"Hungry much Amy?" He asked jokingly, I nodded,

"You make the best bacon" I said truthfully seriously it was the best.

"Thank you baby" He said kissing me as he walked past. I smiled ans stretched,

"I'm getting dressed" I announce and hear him coming after me.

"On my own" I shout,

"But I thought we could just have a Pj day" Eddie moaned hugging me.

"Oops" I shrugged and closed the door. Once I was changed into black leggings and one of Eddie's sweatshirts.

"You can come in now"I shouted, Eddie came in and wrestled me to the bed, now I grew up with five boys I know how to wrestle someone for the remote. This is no different, he has no secret weapon against me. Oh shit.

Eddie had placed his lips on my jawbone then started to make his way down my neck leaving a trail of burning passion in his brink. I bit my lip, he looked at me and growled.

"What have I told you about biting your lip huh" He questioned,

"No too" I answered and before he could say anything I smashed my lips against his.

"That was amazing" I said, I was lying on our bed still fully clothed and had my hand laced with Eddie. He was still in his jammies, but I really didn't mind, you see he had no top on and was just wearing low hanging basketball shorts.

"No" He said and my heart stopped beating,

"Amy you're amazing" He finished, I smiled and rolled over so I was sitting on top of him.

"No I disagree you Eddie are amazing" I whispered in his ear.

I'm updating a lot because I need time to pass in this story.

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