I'm back

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Surprise!!! So I know what you're all thinking this story's done. Why is she uploading it again. Well I was thinking restarting a story is completely stupid. So I am going to be uploading now this story again.

5.1K views in such little time, thank you all so much for actually looking at this story. I love you all xxxx.

So, this is actually going to start from the day before school start for Junior year. Hope you enjoy reading.

Amy P.O.V.

I looked around the room one last time before turning to my purple haired best friend in front of me.

"Katy it looks good" I said, she had spraypainted the walls of her new room multicoloured and it did look good.

"Seriously?" Katy asked me sitting down beside me. I nodded taking one of her purple locks and examined it.

"I still can't believe you dyed your hair"I said,

"Your face when you saw me though Amy." Katy said putting on a shocked face. I smirked at her,

"Try out for drama class if you're that desperate to be me" I said smiling,

"You cut it all off" Katy said taking a piece of my hair. I nodded,

"I needed something new, something different" I said, she nodded and I smiled.

"You've not been sleeping either Amy" Katy scolded,

"I'm just stressed" I lied, she nodded and we gossiped for a little while until I had to go.

"Bye bitch" I said smiling, she hugged me and shoved me out.

"Now peasant let me sleep in peace" I heard her call, I shook my head smiling as I got into my car and left.

Cerys P.O.V.

"Pass the ball Aedan" I said, I was bouncing on my soles waiting for him to actually play the game properly. I had my now lilac hair which was dipdyed light blue in a high ponytail and was wearing my gym stuff. He finally passed the ball and I scored a goal.

"Goal" I cheered lifting my gym top over my head like the boys do in soccer.

"Ew Cerys I don't need to see all that" Aedan said pushing me, I laughed and punched him on the arm jogging away when all of a sudden, I was pushed to the ground. Aedan was on top of me pinning my hands to my head. I struggled spewing curse words at him.

"Potty mouth" He laughed and continued staying there singing my most hated song wrecking ball.

"What is going on here" My mom's commanding voice echoed for miles practically. Aedan jumped up helping me up.

"Thanks for that" I muttered

"Dinner will be ready in half an hour"

I turned to Aedan as soon as the glass patio door was closed and lunged at him, just to be held back by strong familiar arms. I turned and saw Nick my boyfriend standing there. I hugged him.

"When did you get back?" I asked,

"This morning, Amy was called over to Katy's for some girl crap" Nick muttered.

See this is why I love this boy he doesn't like all that girly stuff and neither do I.

Wait did I just say I love him. Oh crap.

Mia P.O.V.

It's gotten worse, in the past few months after I told the whole school that my mom married the McKs dad. They've been giving me non stop torture, so now I was sitting at the table in Starbucks waiting for Amy to come in.

"Hey I haven't seen you in ages" I said standing up. I looked at her hair, she suited it, it made her look fourteen.

She hugged me and sat down, she started telling me all about her holidays to the Alps and how it reminded her of chalet girl.

And that her brothers had fallen loads of times.

And finally off course that she and Eddies road trip was absolutely amazing and they grew even more closer. If that was even possible.

"So what's been going on with you?" She asked and it took that one question to get everything flooding back. I felt tears pool in my eyes and I soon started sobbing.

"Hey, I'm so sorry Mia" Amy said before hugging me tight. That whole family gives awesome bear hugs.

"Tell me please." Amy begged and before my brain could even register it, words were flooding out of my mouth. I saw her face fall and that made me feel worse, I looked down and I felt Amy push my chin up, her eyes were filled with anger she has the same anger as her brothers and it's very scary when it gets unleashed.

"Those mother fucking bastards" Amy hissed,

"I've gotta go home" I said,

"I'll drive you" Amy grabbed her bag and walked out of Starbucks with me trailing behind.

"Don't tell Tay" I said suddenly, Amy screeched to a halt and put her warning lights on her car.

"Why not?" She asked confused, she was obviously not expecting this at all.

"You know how he gets and he'll try to beat them up and it'll fail it happened last year remember" I said,it was true Taylor may be one of the most popular boys in our year but my new stepbrothers could beat him up any day. Amy stopped outside my house and hugged me.

"If it evet gets to much call me and I'll pick you up" She whispered in my ear. I nodded and left the car.

"See you in school tomorrow" Amy called,

"See you" I said walking into my house.

Paola P.O.V.

I was sitting on my front porch thinking about nothing really when Amy drove up.

"Come on bitch we're going shopping" She said quoting our favorite movie. I smiled and got into her car.

"I love your hair you really suit it" I said, I saw a soft smile flicker at her lips.

"Thanks how was your holiday?"Amy asked and I rambled on about how good Italy was seeing everything, having the best pizza.

"How was your holiday?" I asked her, she started talking about probably everything she done on that holiday, I wouldn't be surprised if bathroom schedules came into it.

"Anyway are we really going shopping?" I asked looking out of the window. She nodded,

"I need some more eyeliner" She said and I laughed.

"You come and pick me up at 10:00 pm for eyeliner!" I said in shock but not really this is Amy we're talking about.

"No you need some too" Amy stated like it was completely natural.

"Amy we have school tomorrow" I said,

"Which is why we are buying the eyeliner" Amy pointed out, I tried to argue back but there was no point.

"You should try out for debate team" I said eventually, she pulled over and bought her eyeliner. As she walked out I saw Eddie walk up to her and kiss her.

They were cute together and yeah I ship them.

Amy P.O.V.

After I drove Paola home, I went home myself. I walked in to be greeted by people I like to call gorillas.

I hugged my brothers tight and looked in on the movie they were watching Fast and Furious 7.

"I'm going to bed" I said trudging upstairs,

"Ha you still have to get up early" Mike shouted.

"Fuck you" I shouted,

"I'd fuck me too" He shouted back, I groaned and I know for a fact he is smirking right now.

Tomorrow is the start of hell AKA school.

Hey please comment your reactions to finding out this book will be continued. Please vote and comment what you liked and disliked in this chapter.

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