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I stood there still on the spot he made the biggest mistake of his life. They leaned in and kissed, I gasped slamming into the wall. They had just kissed. I've never felt to betrayed in my life. Lets start from the start,

"You'll never believe what just happened" I said to Paola, I don't say hello I just get straight to it.

"What?" She asked,

"Jenna's little brother was standing there giving me that weird hereditary glare" I said shivering at the memory.

"Ew he just has a crush on you" She said laughing.

"Game on Charles is tonight I am so pumped" I said

Anyway in class the next day, we were all just sitting watching as Rebecca and Jenna had an argument, it was hushed and looked serious.

"Oooh Rachel I'm not actually involved in some bitch drama this time" I said, she laughed. I dotted some paint on my painting and Katy shouted something over to me.

"Hey Amy how do you move class?" She asked,

"Why?" I questioned as the boys started asking questions.

"Katy's moving class?"


"Did we do something?"

Questions were being flung around the class.

"Shh, she never said that" I said as she turned to Jenna, my arch nemesis and explained it to her. Oh my god was it me who made her switch classes.

Let me fill you in, me and Jenna were temporary besties until we just drifted apart, insults were shared and that was that. She had texted me over a month ago that I knew she was suicidal, but I didn't so that is the worry.

"There finished" I said looking at the section I had done.

"I think Jenna's the one who wants to move class" I whispered, she nodded,

"Rebecca told her to go kill herself" Paola whispered, I sat in shock I might hate the girl but noone deserves to have this said about her.

"Wait Jenna's moving class" Ben said and walked over to her and Katy.

"It wasn't us was it?" Michael asked because of something that happened earlier in the week. I shook my head, Jenna and Katy had walked away from Ben.

"Ben" I said calling him over,

"Rebecca's crying" He said

"I know" I stated

"Jenna said it was something she said" Ben said trying to get me to crack,

"Yeah well what she did say was fucking awful" I growled as the bell rang and I stormed out of the class; Paola caught up with me,

"I can't believe that" She muttered as I went into french,

"Neither" I said walking into the class. I sat down beside Eddie and Niamh,

"Did you hear what happened in art" I said, they shook their heads and I filled them in.

Afterwards they were both pale faced and I continued with my work.

It was after school and my brothers had football practice or different sports, I didn't have dance so I was sitting there waiting on them when I heard a heavy weight sit down next to me. I looked and it wad Eddie, his hair was tousled and he looked hot, I bit my lip and he growled darkly,

"Just kiss me then" I said as he leant in, we kissed and then I had to go.

A really shite update and can I just say this whole chapter is true and that I am horrified by one of my classmates popularity techniques, everyone will probably hate her by tomorrow and she brought it upon herself,

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