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My eyes opened with a start, I scoured the room looking around, by the looks of it I was in the hospital. I looked down to the side were Eddie sat, he has slight morning shadow by the looks of it and hasn't slept in days. I squeeze his hand making him look up.

"You're awake" He said sitting up,

"How long have I been out for?" I asked trying to sit up, my head felt like a dead weight.

"4 days" He said,

"Where's everyone" I said a little hurt that no one was there for me.

"They all went home" Eddie said "I'd better text them"

I nodded wincing slightly at the sudden pain, his eyes flashed up with concern.

"You ok" He said brushing my hair back from my face.

"Sleep with me" I said patting the bed.

"No you'll get hurt" Eddie protested

"No I won't I always get better sleep with you and you've had none" I said rather wistfully, he smiled softly and climbed in careful not to hurt me. He kissed the back of my head and pulled me closer to him.

"We thought you were going to die, all of us" Eddie whispered, I turned and wiped away a tear that had fallen astray.

"Don't worry I don't give up that easily" I said kissing him softly, he responded back though he was carefully kissing me like if he kissed too hard then I would shatter into a million pieces, I fell asleep with my leg wrapped around his and both our arms around each other.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" A soft voice pulls us out of our slumber, I slowly open my eyes and see Paola standing in front of us with a big goofy smile on her face.

"Hi" I said pulling her down for a hug, Eddie woke up soon after and got off of the bed as people showered me with hugs and kisses, all except mom and dad. We sat and talked for ages,

"Abandoned warehouse?!" Mike asked,

"Yeah well it's not there anymore" I joked everyone looked at me with blank faces not the time to joke just yet. I couldn't shake my head from the fact that my parents weren't here. I mean I nearly died four days ago and they would have been informed because me and Taylor are still in their custody and Will's just like a babysitter to them. My eyes watered and I brought a hand up wiping the tears away. Everyone had left, I was only allowed one visitor and Eddie had claimed that right. the only people I hadn't seen were Taylor and Mia.

"Hey Eds where are Tay and Mia?" I asked, he looked at me.

"Mia's still knocked out and Taylor hasn't left her side" Eddie said, my eyes welled up with tears I was shocked myself with how fragile I was today. He knelt down beside me and grabbed my hand.

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