Hear me out

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"So class today I'd like you to pair up boy girl pairs" The teacher announces, I groan usually it's me and Alex all the time but this teacher is against freedom of choice or something like that. I groan knowing that if I bring a boy home even if I hate him, he will still get interrogated. The teacher decided our groups and guess who she put me with, and guess who I am with guess...

Eddie. Great just great it's like God himself hates my guts.

"Hey" He said sitting down,

"Hi can we meet at your house cause with my brothers and everything" I said

"Sure" He nodded just as the bell rang for lunch. It was pretty easy to find my brothers they were all huddled around someone.

"Hey" I said standing next to Taylor, he nodded towards me as a recognition of acknowledging me, lotta big words there. I peer forward and see that the person they're huddling around is Alex. I push through and hug her as she sobs into my shoulder.

"What did you do" I asked glaring at them noone messes with my best friend.

"Nothing she was like that when we saw her" Taylor said quickly

"I watched the season four finale tell me does Ezra d-d-die?" She asked, I rolled my eyes and started laughing.

"Seriously" I choked out, I thought she was dying or something. Ah the love for a TV show character.

"Shut up" She said lightly slapping my shoulder. I sit her down at the table and start on my salad.

"That's all you're having" Nick asked sitting on the other side of Alex side hugging her.

"Yes do you have a problem with that?" I asked

"Look Amz he's just looking out for you" Taylor said, he was right.

"Sorry I'm just not up for a big lunch" I explained, Nick nodded

"Senior study leave is almost over" Nick said, he was right that means that Mike will be returning. Great, in case anybody missed something;

Mike is a senior in high school and he was on study leave for his big exams, during that time he took up a part time job in the garage to pass time. Nick is a junior, I'm a sophomore and Taylor's a freshman, we haven't moved buildings at all, all of the education is in the same building.

"Amy, Amy" Taylor said nudging me,

"Hmm, oh yeah I'm going to my friend Sam's house after school" I said, they nod I'm positive that they didn't hear me. The bell rang and I went to my last class.

Finally the torture was over for another day.

"Hey Amy wait up" Eddie shouted, I turned, Alex smirked at me and continued walking after Nick and Taylor who seemed to not have heard anything at all.

"Yes Edward" I said

"That's not even my full name" He laughed

"Oh right so what is your full name?" I asked,

"That's a secret" He said, I giggled and grabbed his arm pulling him towards my car,

"What about Sam?" I asked,

"She's got a ride" Eddie said getting in; I followed and sat down my skirt flowering. He told me his address and I drove their, it was not what I was expecting.

"Sorry I know it's really just a piece of crap" Eddie sighed,

"No, no Eddie don't put yourself down like that Eddie, I might live in a big house but I hardly see my parents just so they can pay for it" I said, "That's why my brothers are so protective of me"

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