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Amy P.O.V.
"Right guys family meeting" Mom shouted upstairs, I came down on Taylor's back, one of the perks of being the smallest is that I can jump on their backs at any time cause I know they are strong enough to carry me. I am a average height for my age, my brothers are just abnormally tall. We run into the kitchen, I hop down from his back.
"So kids I've got some big news" Mom said "I'm inviting your little cousins to stay for an indefinite amount of time" Mom finished.
"Oh ok"I said
"They've got a house across the street, so we will see them a lot"Mom finished, we nod.
"Right now get to school"She finished, only mom could give us this big news and then expect us to go to hell. I walk upstairs and get changed. (A/N outfit above). I walk back downstairs and grab a slice of toast spreading peanut butter on it. I sit and eat it whilst applying mascara. Hey I multitask.
"Boo"Nick shouts from behind me. I scream and poke myself in the eye.
"Arghh"I scream, I hear running footsteps towards the kitchen.
"What's wrong" Mike asks,now I can't see but I've lived with my brothers for long enough to know their voices.
"Yeah fine" I said blinking my eye rapidly, none of it had stained so I guess it was just my lucky day. I stand and walk out to the car. My brothers get in and start talking about football and other stuff that I don't understand. We pulled up outside school I walked in towards Alex and walked towards our next class. We walk in and sit beside Alex and across from Mia and Cerys.
"So little cousins cute as long as we're not babysitting" Mia joked laughing,we all erupt into laughter.
"Shhh" The teacher said. We all silently laughed,
"So what are they like?" Cerys asked popping a gum into her mouth.
"Well tell us about them then" Alex said as she eats a packet od crisps. Yeah we are really bad in class.
"Well Katie is fourteen, we are really close like sisters. Her big brother Kian is sixteen same as me, like my brothers. Then you have Dani, she's five and is so cute and her twin brother Josh they're both blonde cuties"I said grinning.
"Aww" Cerys said, I giggle and leave for lunch. I sit beside my brothees again and we talk about silly stuff. Me and Nick are in the same class next so we walk together.
"Hey" I said to Rachel sitting down on my seat beside Lewis and Ben, usually they would have said rude stuff to me. But not today, instead they hardly talk to me. We are doing a painting of a girls hair in art.
"I think I messed up" Ben said showing me his picture his pleats were a little wonky.
"Hey it's fine ok,just fix that one side" I said pointing at it.
"I'm good at pleating hair, I do my sisters" Ben said,another reason why I can talk to Ben is because I have known him for five years now and he hasn't made a move yet.
"Oh you have a sister?" I ask, I'm not that good at remembering things.
"Do you pleat her hair?" I aks
"Na I'm just messing with you" Ben said,
"Is she pretty?" Bredan asked
"Why?" I said
"Because if she is I might ask her out"He said, Ben freezes spending five years with my brothers has made him more protective of his sister.
"She's fucking seven" Ben snarled, Nick sat beside Ben, I think he knew the same as me and was trying to make sure there was no murder in the class. A boy called Patrick who was scarily tall but no muscle shouted something about Bredan's mom and soon a full blown fist fight has happened. Just in time the bell rings and we all rush out.
"Wow!" I mutter to Nick still shocked,
"I don't blame him if he said something like that about you I would have freaked" Nick said.
"No Nick you would have been jailed for murder which is what would have happened to Ben of we hadn't stopped it." I said truthfully, he laughed and put his arm around my neck and we walked out of school together. When we get into the car, the boys usual talk about football kicks off. See what I did there. We pull up and get inside waiting for our cousins for two hours.
Finally we hear a car horn beep and run outside. Here come the cousins.
A/N Hope you enjoyed will update soon and maybe the brothers will find out more stuff about Jordan

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