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"Woo lets go shopping" I said running down the halls.

"Hey, hey calm down" Brandon said grabbing my shoulders.

"Calm down how can you expect me to calm down" I shouted, he brought his finger to my lips and I giggled.

"C'mon" He said nudging his shoulder in the direction I should walk in, as I walk past he wraps his arm loosely around my shoulders.

When I go downstairs I see all of my brothers standing there ready to go. Wait what?

"Okay what are you doing" I asked

"We little sister are supervising you going shopping" Mike said,

Let me explain the last time I went shopping I bought this white completly see through crop top and yeah they flipped. So now I guess I have to be accompained.

"Fine" I said as there was a knock at the door. I looked at the mirror, my red lipstick was perfect and my messy bun was well as good as that gets. I opened the door and Mia, Cerys and Alex stood there. They all hugged me and acknowledged my brothers except from Alex who goes ahead and kisses him. Eww.

"Right lets get going" I said grabbing my handbag and walking out of the door, they followed and by they I meant my brothers and my best friends. I got into my car follwed by Mia, Cerys, Alex and Taylor. Taylor sat up front beside me.

"So I don't see how Abigail couldn't have come I mean we gave her the time and everything." I said pulling into the mall. I looked over at Taylor and smiled, I think he was getting tired of all the bitchiness.

"So are you planning to make captain" I asked, he plays football for the lower half of the school like Freshmen and Sophomore. So me and him.

"Yeah try outs are next week" He said

"Good luck for then you'll do fine" I said

"But there's a lot of older boys trying out" He said

"Yeah so if I backed down every time a so called older one got in my way guess where I'd be" I said

"Where?" He asked

"I'd be a nun at least I'm allowed to talk to boys with you lot" I said

"Do you want me to tell them that you want to be a nun" Taylor said smirking

"No! That's not the point of the story I meant that even if someone is older bigger and taller than you. Don't be afraid to kick their ass." I finished, he smiled.

"Thanks Amz"

We pulled up into the parking lot and got out of the car. My older brothers were already standing there.

"Let's go shopping" I squealed and we ran into Forever 21.

"Oooh this looks cute" I said holding up a lace crop top.

"No way" Mike said putting it back down.

Next we went into the make up shop which was definitely a big hit with my brothers note the sarcasm.

"Amy hurry up" Brandon moaned, I just took slower until Will walked forward and pulled me up to the counter.

After a few hours of continuous shopping we stopped to play in the play park, don't ask why when I'm with my besties I probably look like I'm on something.

"Park only for use for ten year olds or younger." Mia read out

"Oops" I said walking in, there was this mini assault course which I tell you I could have done just fine in if I wasn't in heels.

"Arggh" Mia screamed slipping, I laughed and stepped down. I saw one of those wee springy things were you go forwards and backwards not a see saw something else. I ran well speedwalked up to that as it was closer to my brothers, their friends had went home long ago.

"Sup" I said climbing into it, Alex joined me in the other one and we got stuck.

"Sugar" I cursed in my head it was a different word.

"You stuck?" Mike asked, see this is why Mike's my favo--

"Arghh what are you doing" I screamed as Mike had grabbbed the handle behind me and started pulling it backwards and forwards.

"Nothing" He singsonged, I relaxed into it until he stopped.

"Now can you help me out" I said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I smiled then checked the time.

"Guys c'mon" I shouted and they ran over to me.

"We gotta go" I said referring to me and my brothers.

"Right ok bye" They said and we group hugged. I jumped on Nicks back and he carried me out to the car. I jumped off his back and got into the car. This was a good day.

Another filler going to get onto the good stuff now. Need five votes to continue, I would love comments / ideas for the next few chapters

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