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Can I just say how honoured I feel to have 6K views. This was not the whole plan of me writing this story it was just for fun. I expected myself to be the only one reading it. So thank you so much to all of you. And this is a cute little chapter, lot's of cuteness and hugging.

Wait you have a boyfriend Katy this might have been important information to tell us" I said, we were all sitting on my bed with our boyfriends. My house is easier as Me, Nick and Taylor all live here.

"Yeah what's his name, looks?" Mia said

"His name is Ren Millbrook, he's some sort of athlete" Katy said.

"Footballer" I finished for her, everyone turned and looked at me.

"He's Alex's ex about nineteen" I said,

"He's a bit old for you Katy" Cerys said

"No he's not" Katy protested

"Hes the same age as Mike" I said at that the rest of the boys looked up.

"What are you talking about" Eddie mumbled in my ear.

"Katy's going out with a adult" I shouted, the boys all turned and looked at her shocked.

"Erm Cerys is as well" Katy shouted,

"Yeah but that's Nick he is still à bloody toddler in his head" I shouted back.

"Hey!" Nick said, Cerys just giggled as me and Katy started a staring competition.

"Ok! Amy how's the dance go?" Mia said.

"Good we won Internationals and are preparing for Worlds" I said confidently, in the summer my danće troupe had won Internationals and in January we are going to worlds.

"Right I'm tired and I want to sleep" I said opening my door.

"Please stay" I said to Eddie as they walked out. He nodded and stayed in the room.

"What's wrong?" He asked cupping my chin.

"I've been having these really scary nightmares and I don't want to be alone" I said softly, he nodded and I grabbed some pyjamas and got changed.

"Erm Amy I have nothing to change into" Eddie said,

"Well knowing my brothers they won't have any spare clothes" I said sitting down on my bed.

"That's fine" Eddie said stripping down to his boxers. I got into bed and he followed. I laid my head on the pillow as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I drifted to sleep.

Eddie P.O.V.

I'm a really light sleeper, so I was obviously woken up when Amy kneed me in the balls. I sat up and saw Amy moving about in her sleep with her eyes screwed shut. Shit she's having a nightmare.

"Amy, Amy wake up" I begged shaking her lightly. She struggled and then sat up all of a sudden, she was covered in sweat and started crying.

"Shhh" I said and pulled her onto my lap. I rocked her back and forth as she sobbed into my chest. After ten? Fifteen? Minutes she pulled away, her eyes were all puffy and she had tear stains running down her face.

"Baby you ok?" I asked stroking away a stray tear.

Amy P.O.V.

It was a different nightmare this time but still a nightmare. I was watching my whole family getting murdered and it was all my fault and then there was these killer zombies and I had to try to outrun them before getting eaten alive. When I woke up as always I hears Eddie's voice, he pulled me onto his lap and all I needed was comfort, just comfort. So I cried into his chest as he rocked me back and forth. When I pulled away he stroked my face and I attempted a smile.

"How bad was it?" He asked pulling me close to him.

Eddie P.O.V.

No way was I letting her go, that scared me a lot, what if I couldn't get her up or something like that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, she shook her head stiffly and wrapped her arms behind my neck.

"I love you, you know that right" I said, I was shocked, Amy just said she loves me and I love her too.

"I love you too" I said and she looked up smiling before slamming her lips to mine.

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