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We ran outside as their jeep pulled up out stepped my aunt, she was like her sister my mom,sleek chic. Her husband however was tall and dark. Kian emerges the car his short brown hair, he bro hugs my brothers and picks me up and swings me around.
"Stop Kian" I giggled as he put me down, Dani and Josh hugged my legs and squealed.
"Hey kids" I said, I looked up and saw Katie emerge, I saw her long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail, she was wearing tight black leggings and a tank top. She's super sporty.
"Amy!" She screams and hugs me,then moving on to my brothers. Our mom got the housing arrangements wrong instead we are joined by a glass corridor. Very chic,
"We so need to catch up" She said dragging me in. We all sat in the living room and talked for like two hours until we had to go to bed.
The next morning I woke up and got dressed (A/N Outfit above). Katie woke up and got dressed into her usual outfit. We walk downstairs and into the kitchen.
"So what do you want" I asked
"Food" She said smirking,
"Foods a potato, lets go get starbucks" I suggested.
"What before school, I'm shocked. Aren't you supposed to set me a good example" She mocked.
"Na it wasn't in the rulebook" I said grabbing my keys. We walk out to my mint green mini and I start the engine. I get them to go and drive to school.
"Look if someone says something to you tell me before your brother or mine" I said strictly.
"Why?"She asked
"Cause I don't want to explain to Will why they're arrested for murder" I said, she giggled.
"True dat" She said as I pulled up,
"What should I do?" She asked,
"You'll be starting with all the other freshmen, office"I shouted walking into school.
"Wait Amy show me" She shouted, I sighed grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the office.
"Oi Harten" I hear Ben shout running up to us.
"Sup Carenan" I said laughing as he loops a arm over my shoulder.
"Are you two dating?" Katie asks.
"Na he's like my best mate" I said as we neared the office.
"Have fun" I said waving, me and Ben head to homeroom and I see Kian sitting in a three seater. I plonk down next to him and he smirks. Until he realises who I'm with.
"Who's that" He snarled.
"Ben he's been approved" I said rolling my eyes. I swear to god Kian is more protective than my brothers are. They start a conversation and I turn and start talking to my friends.
"So I bought these new headphones and they cost $150." Abbie gushed, she was a posh brat. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. After homeroom was French, I was sitting next to Jordan this term and this boy called Steven calls me pig nose, because of my apparent pig like nose.
"Does this look like Amy?" He asked this girl called Jenna who hates me for no reason.
"Yes" She said nodding, I look down, do I really look like a pig?
"No" Jordan muttered and smiled at me. Shit I must have said that aloud.
"Thanks" I whispered, but it didn't help at all. Soon lunch rolled round and my head had been on this whole pig nose thing all day. I sat down at lunch and messed about with my food.
"What's wrong?" Mike asked concerned.
"Nothing" I muttered, looking up glassy eyed. Katie who was sitting next to me side hugged me. I swear to god I will never meet someone as lovely as her.
"Amy I'm really sorry about French today" Steven said running up.
"What did you do to my little sister" Nick growled.
"Nothing, it was a joke" He said, I nodded he had called me it before and my friends waved it off with simple flirting. But it was Jenna who was really pissing me off, what had I ever done to her at all.
"Just leave Steven" I said waving him away. Mike and Kian glared at him. I turned to Katie.
"Soooo, meet any cute boys?" I asked, Kians ears perked up along with Taylors,Taylor liked being able to protect a younger one. Nick and Mike were more focused on me, they love Katie so much but that's Kians responsibility.
"Oh well erm there was one" She said.
"Ooooh spill" I said.
"It's Daniel Petersburg" She said, Taylor and Kian looked confused whilst my fork dropped out of my hand.
"Katie!" I groaned
"What?" She said
"He's a player, fuckboy even. He's just trying to get into your pants" I said.
"He's different" She argued,
"Katie I ban you from going out with him" Kian said,
"Fine!" She snarled and stood up stomping out of the cafeteria.
"God out of all the boys" I sighed.
"You were like that, not a phase we like to remember!" Mike sighed.
"Yeah I was and I remember along with that phase you were beating up any boy who talked to me" I said
"What is so bad about this boy" Taylor said.
"Reputation," I said harshly
"He hasn't done anything to you?" Nick asked.
"Nope I'm fine, but others weren't lets just say he took some stuff that might have been important and dumped them the next day" I said sourly, they looked at me wide eyed.
"What! Let me go kill that bastard" Kian shouted, Mike and Nick held him down.
"Why did he ask her doesn't he know she's related to us" Taylor asked.
"Because only a few know,but that's the end of that" I said, I stood up on the table and clapped my hands. Everyone looked at me.
"Right we have two new students today, my cousins Kian and Katie Smyth." I said, Mike stood up beside me.
"Right and if you hurt Katie you'll have us to deal with." Mike shouted, they nodded in response and I turned and saw Katie. Oh shit.
At the end of the day we walk out to my car,Katie gets in and slams the door shut.
"What is your problem" She shouts,
"Look I'm sorry okay you can date him all you want just keep it a secret" I said
"Seriously?!" She asked smiling,
"Seriously" I said. She smiled and hugged me as I drove down the road. We arrived back home and she went into her house. I walk into mine.
"Hey honey" My mom called.
"Hi" I said, walking into the living room.
"Boys can we forget what happened earlier" I said, they nod and I sit watching the TV, with Dani on my lap.
Hey there is gonna be more love next chapter.Possibly a make out scene...

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