Are we there yet??

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We had been driving for over two hours to get to the airport. We had our suitcases in the back and I felt not car sick but when you just need air.

"Eddie can we stop at the next services?" I asked, he nodded his eyes drooping as he pulled up.

"C'mon" He said getting out of the car, I was in my comfiest outfit, (above) but the jeans were pissing me off. I opened my car door and my knees shook. I clutched onto the door to stop myself from falling.

"You okay?" Eddie asked, oh why did a boys sleepy voice have to be such a turn on. I nodded and took another shaky step, he sighed and lifted me up and carried me into the services.

"Mmm coffee" I said inhaling the rich smell. Eddie laughed sipping his own.

"Don't I'm driving now and I would prefer not to crash" I said as we walked back out.

"Yeah that'll be a downer" Eddie joked, I sighed and got into the car and prepared myself for the long journey.


"Let me take over" Eddie said, I nodded as I pulled over to the side and exited the car.

We swapped and there was about an hout until the hotel. I moved about uncomfortable in these goddamned jeans. Right that's it.

"What are you doing?" Eddie asked looking at me as I shuffled out of my jeans.

"Getting ready for bed" I said putting my head on the pillow by the window. He laughed and rubbed my naked knee.


"Wake up babygirl we're here" Eddie's soothing voice brought me out of my slumber. I sat up rubbing my eyes. I nodded still practically sleeping.

Suddenly I was lifted up into the air and placed against Eddie's familiar chest. I sighed contently and fell back asleep.


"Get up Eddie we'll miss the flight" I said whacking my seriously sexy boyfriend with a pillow.

"Just five more minutes" He groaned, I was generous, but it's 12pm and the flight leaves at 3 and it takes an hour and a half just to get there. I straddled him over his crotch and started to slowly kiss his neck.

After a few minutes of that he flipped us around and started kissing my neck.

"No Eddie I am serious it's 12" I said, he jumped up and grabbed random clothing from his carry on.

"Couldn't you have woken me up sooner?" He asked getting dressed.

"I tried that was the last resort" I said, he fixed his shoes and stood up straight he was wearing a grey polo with black jeans and his hair was messed up but in a good way.

"How do I look?" He asked,

"Smexy, now lets go" I said ushering him out of the hotel room grabbing the suitcases and carryons.

England here we come.

Surprise update guys but can you please comment countries that Amy and Eddie can visit, I'm going on vacation today so I might not have WiFi. But I'm going to Cornwall which is the very bottom of England so that's where Amy and Eddie will first go.

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