I'll be there for you

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Last chapter ever I hope it's a good one.

All in 3rd person. Starts with Amy at twelve

"Sorry miss I just think that the monsters wedding would be very romantic I mean he loved her" Amy protested flicking her hair.

"Yes but it's the monster a spawn of the demon" Mia protested, Amy rolled her eyes.

"So your weddings gonna be perfect then?" Paola asked,

"Of course, I have decided between two dresses and the food, plus where it's held" Amy said facing her best friend.

"You better be marrying a billionaire" Katy joked leading for the full table to burst out into giggles.

"Na, I don't care if he isn't rich or anything as long as he's a good honest man then I'm fine" Amy disagreed, she'd always had it in her to be a lawyer.

"But the engagement ooh" Amy sighed,

"Tell us" Mia begged,

"It's on top of a roofplace and me and mystery man sitting watching our favorite movie and just as the sun sets he proposes and fireworks go off" Amy sighed dreamily

"Yep definitely a billionaire" Mia laughed.

A lot has happened in Amy's life since then. Good and bad.

"I love you Eddie Miller if that's the last thing I do"

They ran towards the burning building Eddie at the front. When they got there the only thing going on in his mind was Amy.

Jenna fell like an angel, cascading through the wind.

"High school wasn't meant to end up like this" Amy said, she was standing at the front of the stage wearing the graduation uniform.

"So much has happened and many lost" She continued bowing her head.

"There's some part of me that knows that this is probably just a dream made up in my mind. But if it is I never want to wake up. I've never been great with speeches inspirational short talks are more my forte" Amy joked
"But most of us made it, we actually frigging graduated who would have thought?" Amy questioned.
"Thank you" She said as the crowd cheered one last time for Amy Harten.

Later on in her life Amy attended Harvard with Eddie in a College nearby she was one year away from graduating when she was called up to a rooftop on top of their apartment building. When she arrived there were fairylights decorated everywhere and her favorite movie was playing.

"How did you know?" Amy questioned in awe of her surroundings.

"I was in that class too you know" Eddie said kissing her forehead before pulling her down beside him.

"Let's watch"

But even though her favorite movie was playing Amy's mind wasn't on it at all.

"You idiot why would you just punch him like that?" I asked cleaning his hand out.
"She's my sister" Eddie explained

"Do you need help? " Eddue asked coming up behind me,

"Yeah can you" I said, we danced and when he dipped me our lips were awfully close.
"Ah fuck it" I murmured pressing my lips to his.

"Come on dance with me" I said dancing already.
"I don't dance" Eddie complained
"Well learn you're dating a dancer" I said pulling him up to his feet.

"I love you"
"I love you too"

I stumbled across the beach path, there he was up on top of the rocks. I made my way up my sneakers slipping when strong arms suddenly griped my waist.
"Be careful Amy you could have died" Eddie said, I nodded as he helped me up to where he was originally sitting. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You mean?" I asked stunned
"Yeah we're going on holiday together" Eddie confirmed spinning me around in his arms.

"Do you remember when you were thirteen and you said to me you'd love to hook a girl on top of the Eiffel Tower" I said looking over at him. He laughed nodding his head.
"Why should I try when I've already got one?" Eddie said kissing me fiercely.

"I got in" I exclaimed jumping on his back,
"You got in?" Eddie said eyes wide
"Well don't sound so surprised" I scolded wacking him with my hand.
"But what about us?" Eddie asked,
"We stay together through thick and thin" I said straddling him before leaning down for a kiss.

"Happy Birthday dear Eddie happy birthday to you" Amy and the rest of the family sang to him. He blew out the 21 candels and sighed leaning back in his chair.
"I cannot believe you are twenty one already" Amy exclaimed sitting down next to him.
"Yes that means I'm legally allowed to do this" Eddie said pushing her down on the sofa.
"Actually you've been legally allowed to do that for a while now" Amy corrected
"Oh yes little miss lawyer" Eddie said laughing before kissing her again.

"Marry me" Eddie asked whilst they were sitting in a restraunt.
"No" Amy said getting some chessecake.
"Marry me" He said whilst they were iceskating
"No" Amy skated away
"Oh for the Love of God why not?" Eddie asked spinning her around after she had denied him the tenth time.
"When I was twelve I had my dream engagement planned out and I'm not saying yes unless it's that engagement"

So now when Eddie got down on his knees for the eleventh time to ask the girl he had been in love with for nearly a decade. She finally said yes.

A year later and the big day has arrived nothing like how Amy wanted it but she loved it all the same. Will walked up to her lacing his arm through her lacy arm.
"Ready baby sis?" He asked
"Never really stopped"
Mia and Taylor, Cerys and Nick, Lewis and Paola and Katy and her girlfriend Demi all walked down first. When Amy and Will walked down the aisle his eyes brimmed with tears. He'd loved her for a decade now and he was never going to stop.

So when the couple took the first dance and Amy whispered those three little words into his ear, his face lit up with joy.

Those three words:
I'm Pregnant baby.

It was a girl, her name Lila-Rose Murphy and then a son Oscar Murphy and lastly another girl Jennifer Murphy. They were the best parents and should have won many awards for their parenting skills but didn't. They married until they died which was six decades together until they died within the same 48 hours one if natural causes the other of grief. I'll let you decide who's who.
But the memories of her High School adventures stayed with Amy until her parting days.

I'm crying,I really don't want to let go of these characters but I must. Bye Amy and Eddie I'll miss you.
Please comment and tell me if you like my book or I'll think you all dont
And please vote as well that'd be really helpful. Love you all and goodnight xx

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