Chapter 2- God you're so annoying

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I woke up and stretched, and the memories of yesterday came flooding back. I wouldn't ever say this to anyone but I'm a little scared of some boys I mean the ways they treat girls, is awful not all boys though. I know my brothers would never dream of doing that but some do.

So yeah what happened yesterday was creepy as I didn't know the guy at all. But one things for sure it will all kick start again at school.

Nick is determined to beat the crap out of that guy and I'm positive Taylor is thinking the same thing. We're all actually pretty close with each other, I mean some siblings hardly ever talk so I am happy that we do.

"Princess, get up" Brandon called knocking on my door.

"Yeah just coming" I shouted back. All of my brothers have nicknames for me. For example;

Will- Babygirl

Brandon- Princess

Mike- Amy (he doesn't really have a nickname for me)

Taylor- Amz.

I dress in a comfy outfit today I really don't want another incident like yesterday. (A/N Outfit above). I walk downstairs and help myself to some granola.

"Morning Amy" Mike said walking around in just his PJ bottoms.

"Morning Mikey" I said, looking down at my cereal.

"Hey look just don't worry about that Dickhead ok" He said pushing my chin up by his fingers. I nod smiling,

"What are you doing today?" I asked,

"Work" He said, Mike works in a local garage.

"Haha" I said laughing

"Shut up" He said ruffling my hair. I didn't really care for my appearance I believe in natural beauty.

"Morning Princess" Nick said walking into the room, he was actually dressed unlike Mike but he didn't have to get to work until like 10.

Lucky bastard,

"Amy do me a favor and wake up Taylor for me" Nick asked,

"Taylor!" I screamed, he was down in a flash Brandon and Will not far behind.

"What" he moaned

"Yeah boyo unless you didn't notice but it's like ten to eight and we are leaving in five minutes" I said smirking at him

"Oh shit" he said and started panicking, he ran back upstairs trying not to trip as he did, we all broke out in laughter.

When we were all ready we headed outside to the car.

"Ready!" Mike asked revving the engine,we nod and he speeds off down the road.

When we arrive at school, Nick and Taylor stick to me like glue warning everyone who I was. I see Alex get off the school bus and run forward towards us.

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