Paint war

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"Come and get it when you're ready nanana hey" I sang, swishing the paint brush on the wall,

"Woo go Amy" Sam screeched as I swivelled my butt around in circles, She copied me and I giggled,

"Thanks for helping me paint the walls" She said gesturing at the walls that had messy paint on it.

"I am an artiste" I said in a French accents twirling before landing my arse in a paint bucket, Sam started laughing so much she was crying and I was doing the same. She helped me up but fell back herself, she landed on some neon yellow paint. I guffawed at her and when I snorted I just laughed louder. I helped her up and we continued painting dancing to the music playing.

I was wearing a overgrown shirt of Brandon's and some baggy joggies, we continued to swivel our hips and booty bopped each other. Uptown Funk came on and I squealed, we both started singing it. Footloose came on and I dropped the paint brush grabbed her hand and we started dancing, I twirled her and she laughed twirling me. We splattered paints on and were on the last wall.

"Amy I'm nervous" Sam said as she sat down on the plastic covered floor, I looked at her curiously.

"What for?" I asked,

"Nationals I mean it's in a week and I've never been before" She said looking down,

"Hey you'll be fine, you're a really good dancer" I said lifting her head up accidentally smudging paint on her chin, she looked up with evil eyes but there was a twinkle of laughter beneath them. She smudged paint all down my nose.

"Sam" I squealed and took a handful of paint and threw it at her, she screamed and threw some back at me, and the paint war commenced. There was paint everywhere on the walls, plastic covers, us, everywhere.

"What the heck is going on in here" Eddie said coming in just as I threw some paint which landed square on his face. My eyes widened and I bit my lip trying to hold in my laughter but his face was priceless. He reached up and just touched the paint and looked at it. He nodded at Sam and quick as lightning I was on the floor with Eddie pinning my arms down and Sam pouring tubs of paint all over me.

"Stop, stop please" I begged before a smirk appeared on my face, I kissed Eddie roughly and when he wanted more I pulled away, I reached up to his ear.

"Get her to stop and we can continue" I said blowing gently on his ear,

"Sam lets stop" Eddie said letting go of my arms. I jumped to my feet for about four seconds before I was ambushed by my incredibly sexy boyfriend and was put into the fireman's lift as he carried me out of Sam's room right into his. He landed us both onto his bed before he loomed over me.

"Eddie I'll wreck your bedding" I moaned,

"We can fix that" He said before ripping my shirt off.

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