Back to school

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"Great we're going back to school today" I moaned eating waffles. I was on my facebook messenger when a sudden text caught my attention.

Amy look at this

Cerys sent me and attached was a YouTube link. I clicked on it turning my volume kinda down.

"Film Amy"I heard Hayley say,

"What are you watching?" Mike said looking over my shoulder.

"Hey isn't that you?" Taylor asked, I nodded.

"On Rebecca's yt channel" I growled, I have a really bad temper and right now I was very angry. I switched off my phone and walked out to my car. Taylor got in,

"Ignore her the attention seeking biatch" He said in a fake voice, I giggled and started the car.

When I got to school, I met up with the girls.

"Did you see it" Cerys asked, I nodded.

"We have art first come into my art class" I said and went inside.

I saw Rebecca and glared at her, I saw Paola sitting at het seat. I told her all about it and she was confused.

"She zoomed right into your face?" She said

"Well the side of it" I corrected, I don't care still a part of Amy's face. I was waterpainting or whatever that's called. I was sitting next to Lewis and Ben the two most popular boys in my year and a close second to my brothers.

"Rebecca" I called, trying to get her attention. I was practically screaming her name when she finally heard me.

"What?" She asked,

"Oh Rebecca you know what. Why the hell am I on your YouTube account" I asked trying to stay calm.

"You're not" She lied, I took out my phone and looked it up. Her face fell,

"Wait I'm in it too" Lewis said grabbing my phone.

"Lewis" I moaned, and the whole class crowded round to watch it. This time my volume was on the highest amount.

"Film Amy" I heard Hayley say again, then I heard something else.

"Ughh why she's such a fake bitch slut she'll break my camera" I heard Rebecca say, Lewis paused it and I felt a teardrop run down my face.

"Oh Amy" Paola said and hugged me. The boys looked at me unsure of what to do. Paola was comforting me as Cerys walked in the class.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked sitting next to us. I looked at Lewis who replayed it. Suddenly my sadness got taken over with anger, I stood up.

"And you have the fucking audacity to say you've been getting bullied. Seriously that is the biggest piece of bull I've ever heard in my life" I hissed,
"It's true though how many guys has Amy slept with. How many BJs has she given. We'll never know" Rebecca said, I gasped and actually felt sick with anger.

"You sick bitch. You just can't get enough of insulting me" I said, walking towards her,

"I'm a sick bitch, it's you Amy it's always you" She said,

"What do you mean?" I whispered,

"Just because you are a fake assed bitch and your parents love you means you get whatever slutty thing you have next in your wardrobe showing off your ass and boobs" She said,

"At least I have some"

The moment those words came out of my mouth, I felt Rebecca's hand hit me full force on the cheek. I gasp turning away. Ben grabbed my arm steadying me, she's being held back by Lewis and Michael, she is screaming and kicking but I know those two can hold her back. I silently watched as I felt a wet paper towel touch my cheek. The bell rang and Rebecca stormed out of the room.

"You ok" Ben asked checking my cheek. I nod, never in my life have I been hit by someone full force enough to leave a mark. I see the next class piling in and I get up to leave.

"So she just slapped you?" Mia asked, I nodded, still shocked about what happened. Mia was the only one not in my class. She looked at my cheek, and she winced.

"Looks sore" She comments,

"Is sore" I corrected, she smiled softly and sat down. I heard a big commotion but ignored it.

"Don't look now but your brothers are coming over and they look kinda pissed" Mia said

"No shit they probably just found out" I hissed as they sat down. Nick pulled my face by the jaw and examined it.

"I can't believe that bitch done that to you" Mike said shocked, I nodded and felt Eddie slink into place beside me, I smiled and cuddled into him.

"She's different from what I remember" He said

"How" I asked,

"It's a long story" He said

"We have time" Taylor said.

What are they going to find and comment please xxx

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