Let's talk about boys

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Ok so I am very honored to have had my characters mentioned in The_Hogwarts_Express book. So here's an update just for you.

sat up in my bed stretching after a pretty little liars rerun on Netflix, when my Ipad beeped;

Hey sweet thang

Who is this???



Just guess

Fine is it Eddie?

Well done

Thank you thank you very much.

Very funny Amy very funny

What do you want

You, to go on a date with me

Seriously Eddie


Ask me in person


Bc anyone can say anything in text I need to see your face.

Just missing this piece of sexy butt

Naa not really

Amy I'm serious

So am I Eddie

Why are you saying no

I didn't okay and maybe I'll think about it.

"Amy dinner" Nick shouted

"One minute" I screamed

Gtg c u later

I heard angry footsteps coming upstairs and I shut down the IPad.

"Amy I said hurry up" Nick shouted storming into my room.

"What are you doing." I asked

"More like what are you doing" He asked grabbing the IPad. Shit he can't see those messages he'll freak out like way too much and then everyone will know and I don't know if you've noticed but my brothers are crazy protective of me.

"Amy why are you texting a boy" Nick growls.

"Homework project" I said quickly covering up my tracks.

"Sweet thang, flirting?" He questions

"Nickames, trust me ok" I said knowing that I had to convince him. We're the same age practically only eleven months apart, we used to be mistaken for twins so he has no power over me, but Will and Brandon do and they will use it to all their might to stop me from texting a boy.

"Isn't dinner ready?" I questioned, he nodded, he was protective of me but he is also the easiest to convince. He nodded and put his arm over my shoulder and walked me downstairs. I shrug it off and sit down in my usual seat beside Taylor and Mike.

"Pass the water" I asked Brandon, we had chicken burgers with chips or salad for me and Mike the super sporty ones.

"So how's school?" Brandon asks,

"Good" I respond, the boys mumble their responses. Nick looks at me eyebrows raised.

"So Amy how's your school project going?" He asked smugly, everyone looks at me. Great how do I do this one either I can tell them I am working with a boy or I can straight up lie to their faces. I can't lie but to be honest I'm kinda scared of their reactions to the first one.

"What school project?" I question lightly smirking at him, everyone then turns and looks at him. It continues for a while, the rest of the boys looking on.
"Okay right give it a rest my neck's gonna fall off" Taylor moaned, yeah that'll probably never happen but it got me off the hook.

After dinner I ran back upstairs to my room and closed the door shut as I heard it open and Nick sat down on my bed as I was on my window seat.

"What Nicholas" I questioned using his full name.

"Don't call me that if you don't want the others to find out you're dating a boy" He said

"You're not telling?" I questioned sitting up. He nodded.

"I love you Nick" I shouted jumping into his arms.

"Love you too Amy"He said putting me down.

"But I swear to God if he hurts you in any way or trys anything with you I will personally kill him." He said, I kissed him on the cheek and he smirked leaving. I grabbed my IPad.

It's on

Cool pick you up at seven

Wow I'm done next chapter some first date stuff and I'm gonna tell you this now it's gonna be good.

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