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Song for this chapter Shut up and Dance. It makes me remember of when Eddie and Amy first kissed.

A year ago today, I kissed Eddie Murphy for the first time in this very spot. I stopped dancing and turned, so much has changed the first time I met him. Oh yeah I remember.


"Right get up, we're dancing" I said to Sam who had sat down.

"What why?" She asked,

"You can never get enough training" I said pulling her up. She practiced the routine with me and suddenly a boy came in. He had a burst lip but Sam threw herself at him.

"Eddie" She squealed, he hugged her and I picked up my bag.

"Bye Sam" I said waving at her. I was out in the carpark about to drive away when I heard a voice.

"Thanks for staying with Sam" He said,

"It's ok Eddie" I said smiling,

"Now that's not fair for you to know my name but I don't know yours" Eddie said,

"Amy" I said simply and got into my car.

I sat down on the wooden floor, so much has changed since that day. My brothers actually like him and I was happy. Then there was that date during the summer that was amazing.


"Eddie where are we going" I moaned looking out of the windows, it was the country and it seemed quiet a relaxing atmosphere from the city life I loved so much.

"We're here" I heard Eddie say, I turned and saw him smiling at me. I stepped out of the car and looked about, we were at a lake and there was a small island in the middle.

"We're going sailing?" I said shocked, he nodded and walked over to this small boat. I climbed onto the boat gripping Eddie's arm tightly as he steadied me onto the boat. My brothers were at some football match and they weren't coming home until next weekend.

We talked for the full journey there and when we got there it was absolutely beautiful, it had a small beach and then stretching back for ten miles was full rainforest and a waterfall.

"Where'd you find this place" I said I awe stepping off the boat lacing my fingers with his. We explored the island and when I saw the waterfall, I gasped.

"Eddie this is amazing" I said,

"I'm going in" Eddie said taking off his top, God I could stare at that six pack every day. He then took off his pants as well. He waded out into the water until it was up to his neck.

"You coming in?" He asked, I nodded smirking. Yeah this was a new experience for me but growing up with boys taught me to never show anyone of the opposite sex see weakness in you.

"Hell yeah" I said pulling off my top and shorts leaving me in my pink lacy bra and panties. I waded forward nerves pulsing right now, Eddie's like four inches taller than me so that's gonna be pretty deep.

"I can't go any further" I said looking down, I heard Eddie waded over to me and lifted my chin up lightly.

"Come on I'll take you" He said, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up under the thigh. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He waded back to his spot underneath the water fall and my back slammed against the stone wall, his hand was behind my head as he smashed his lips to mine.

That was the night I lost my virginity to Eddie Murphy.

"You busy?" I heard the oh so familiar voice from behind me. I turned,

"Yeah Eddie I'm really busy just sitting on the floor daydreaming"I said sarcastically, as he sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Yeah I guessed that" He said "What were you day dreaming about?"

I blushed bright red, and he nuzzled my neck.

"C'mon you have to tell me" He said making his way down my neck kissing and sucking slowly. I moaned lightly and he continued more faster.

"Fine I was thinking about that night at the island" I said quietly,

"I wouldn't be embarrassed about that, it was amazing" Eddie muttered in my ear. I giggled and we sat in silence for a few minutes, my music had been playing quietly for a few minutes then my favorite song shut up and dance came on.

"Get up we're dancing" I said standing up.

"No. No way I don't dance" Eddie said,

"You're dating a dancer, please Eddie for our anniversary" I said using the puppy eyes.

"Fine since it's our anniversary" He said pecking my lips. We slow danced, and I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped securely around my waist. He spun me and kissed me before pulling away.

"What's your present to me since I'm dancing with you" He murmured in my ear, his hot breath against my ear gave me the shivers.

"I've got the house to myself for two days" I whispered and he dropped me down into a dip kiss. Like the very first kiss we ever had.

"Good" He whispered tugging on my grey sports top.

Hope you enjoyed guys now the first person to vote on this story gets a spolier.

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