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Davina Claire

Davina skipped school. Again. Like she had been doing for the past week. She couldn't find the motivation to get out of bed. What with her sister dead and all. She wasn't angry. She understood why she did what she did. She loved Allison. And she wanted her to live. She understood, she did. But she just hated it. Because it cost her her life. And she missed her sister.

All Davina ever did now was lay in bed. She never left. Not even to eat. Sometimes Derek would go in and give her food but she barely ate. Astrid wasn't just her sister. She was her twin. And her best friend. She felt her death more than anyone. She wasn't sure how she was going to go on.

Davina finally got up. She's been laying in bed for days, she hasn't showered. On her way to the bathroom, she passed Astrid's bedroom. She stood by the door. The wall closest to her bed had all of her pictures of her friends and family. The photos of her and Davina from when they were kids. A couple of Derek with their mother. Some of Allison. Malia. Stiles, Scott, Lydia. She even had the painting hung up of her, Davina and their mother that they had painted from a guy in New Orleans one afternoon.

Davina sat down on Astrid's bed and hugged her pillow. What was she going to do without her? After a few minutes of sobbing into the pillow, there was a knock at the door. Standing there was her cousin.

He smiled softly at her. 'How are you holding up?'

She shook her head. 'Not good, Derek.'

Derek walked into the room. He sat beside Davina on Astrid's bed. He huddled up next to her, putting his arms around her shoulders. Davina leaned into his chest and cried. Letting it all out.


Davina went for a bath. She turned on the bath taps, then took off her clothes. She tied her hair up into a high, messy bun. She adjusted the temperature, making sure it wasn't too hot nor too cold, then hopped in. It felt nice. She lay in, resting her head against the wall behind her.

After a few minutes, she reached forward and grabbed her body wash. Massaging it into her legs, then her arms. Moving her hands to her neck, releasing all the tension. It felt nice but she knew it wouldn't last.

She closed her eyes, resting her head against the wall. Davina's mind overloaded with the memories she and her sister shared. All the magic tricks they performed.

'Hold my hands and close your eyes.' Davina said with a smile. She had turned off all the lights. The only light was the faint orange glow of the candles Davina set up in a circle in front of them. Astrid, trusting her sister, grabbed her hands and closed her eyes. They muttered a simple spell to themselves in unison.

Through their eyelids, they saw a much brighter orange glow. Davina opened her eyes, followed by her sister. And in the room were hundreds of glowing fireflies. Davina and Astrid looked around the room, smiling brightly.

That brought a smile to Davina's face.

The day they were celebrating Mardi Gras. Davina, Astrid and Josh. And they were having such a great time. Then nightfall arrived. And there were supposed to be fireworks. But they were all stolen. So, Astrid and Davina came together and created fireworks for the show using a spell.

With all these good memories, there were also some not so good ones. And as much as she didn't want to go there, she did. Like, the day Astrid and her family were given the bad news after the fire.

Astrid had gotten out of surgery a few hours ago and she had been asleep. Davina, their mother Areala and their cousin Derek were all sitting in the waiting room. The two girls were only six at the time. Davina was huddled beside her mother, crying. Derek was pacing around until Areala asked him to not do that because it made her anxious. So he sat. And then his leg began to bounce. They were all on edge.

Eventually, a doctor came out, told them surgery went well and they were able to go see her now. They made their way to room thirty-seven, Astrid's room. They walked in to see Astrid with her eyes closed lying flat on the hospital bed. It brought tears to Davina's eyes to see her sister like that.

Their mother took the first steps toward her bed. Astrid's eyes began to open. She looked at Areala first. 'Mum?' She said in a huff.

'I'm here, baby. I'm here.' She rushed right over, standing beside her bed. Astrid smiles softly at her. Her mother brushed the hair out of her face.

'How do you feel?' Derek asked.

Astrid shook her head. Tears welling. 'I don't...' She didn't say much more. Soon enough, Astrid's doctor walked in. Doctor Dorian.

'You must be Astrid's family.' He started.

'Give it to us straight, doc. Please.' Derek said. 'What's wrong with my cousin?'

'I'm really sorry.' He said first. He glanced at each person in the room, lastly landing on Astrid. Then he looked down at his clipboard. He flicked through some pages.

'Astrid inhaled a severe amount of smoke. She's gonna wanna take it easy as her breathing may struggle but...' He drifted off. He avoided looking at anyone, just stared at his clipboard. But Davina could see the look on his face; the look of bad news.

'But what?'

He stared at the piece of paper attached to his clipboard. After a few moments, he looked up at the family. Look each member in the eyes. 'Astrid has lost all feeling in her body from the neck down.' Davina choked up.

'What do you mean? Will she ever be able to walk again?' Asked her mother.

'We don't know.' The doctor stayed for a little bit then left. Davina turned to her sister. Her eyes welled with tears. She leaned over and hugged her, wrapping her arms around her neck as Astrid cried into her shoulder.

Davina came up from under the water. Opening her eyes and sucking in a breath of air. She wiped her face with both of her hands. Then she let out a huff of air.

Davina put her bath towel around her and walked to her room. She put on a pair of grey slacks and an oversized tee. She didn't really feel like getting dressed up.

She walked down the stairs where she was greeted by Derek and Peter getting the dinner table set up. Derek was surprised to see her out of her room. She sat down at the table, not talking nor looking at them.


i know this is short, some will be.

but they will get better,

just hang on :)

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