Dominant kiss 4

668 27 3

Samuel Ford

As I stop my car in front of the main door of the building I got out off on the car. I saw him walking like a model on the run way. He was wearing white tee blue cutted jeans with a pair of white shoes he put also a black jacket with matching a black wrist watch.

Now he is to near in me. I notice he is not wearing any eyeglasses. I wanted to eat him right here and right now. He has long and sexy legs. His perfect body shape and those red lips. Is waking up my sleeping heart. He is a few inches short on me, in my height 7'1. Perfect for me

"Hey..... Beautiful and gorgeous one...." I smiled at him.

"Thank you sir. Your perfectly handsome too." he complimented me that bright my day more.

I grad his waist in my arms to show the people the person next to me is Mine.
He look at me confused on my action. But I don't bother too. I open the door for him a let him in like a gentleman on his first date.

I run to driving side. " heyyy what is that look? " I ask him.

" I just confused why you grad my waist. We are both man." he said.

So meaning he is straight. Don't worry baby you will be soft today. But just for me. Because I don't want sharing to anyone.

" Sorry to act like that. You just sexy in my eyes that I can't resist. "

" I'm not a lady nor a gay.... And I think my way of clothes is perfect for a man."

"Sorry.... But you look more beautiful and pretty than a she. To me." the color of his face is turned in to red.

'Oh he said he was straight. Why you act like a teenager girl getting compliments from her crush.' I said in the back of my head.

"So what is the plan for today?"

"hmmmm...... To make you soft and for me to mark you mine." I say with my killer wink.

His jaw almost drop on the floor, and his green round eyes almost jumped out. I love the way he react to my words. It show me the positive out come of today plan.

"can you be serious......" he said after awhile looking at my face.

" I'm so serious of what I said..... But if you ask me where we go..... The answer is surprise......"

"So your trying you luck at me sir..... Okay you try......."

" I always love a challenge....." and look at his face and I bite my lips. And I saw him licking his too.

I smile in his actions. I got you baby you will be in my arms tonight. I don't had plan  to let him go without my marks of territory. I'm a mafia lord that always got what I wanted.

I slide my hand on his long legs give him a slight massage the bring his blood to his face to make it red. Then he put his hands over mine trying to take it away.

In a few minutes we arrived at one of the Japanese restaurants here in the city that I already done booking the place for me and him to had our Little privacy. His eyes is observing the place will, his little curiosity make him adorable in my eyes. I guided him in the room I already rented for this lunch.

"Wow.... It was great place..... So you always here for a date?" he ask me with a excited tone.

"yes for a private lunch meeting for my work..... And correction.....i never do a date before because even I do not date them I can fuck them."

"Wow your confident sir is in the highest level now."

"the truth is,,,, you is the only one I try to date.... Because you're that special to me......"

"Stop being the way can I ask a question? Why you help me last night? "

Before I can answer his questions the waiter knocked the door, for the food I ordered before we come here is arrive. This place is one of my restaurants. After the the food is put neatly on the table he look at me.

"seriously we are not yet ordering and the food is here already."

"yes.... Because I made my order while I'm on my way on your house. I don't want people come and in here most specially you are with me I'm possessive with you." You can called me a name but yes I'm straight forward when I want a certain things or I want the person.

"ohhh.. So answer me why you help me last night?."

"because I feel and I'm interested in you in just obe glance... And one more thing I'm not use of helping a random people. But in you I can't watch you being hurt...." I said while I'm holding his hand.

I kiss the lips I wish to had from the last night. In the first he never responded on me but after awhile he answered it in the same intensity I did. His hands is on the back of my head we kiss until we almost lose our breath.

"that is great..... So now you lose this challenge that you beat." my hand is now on his legs.

"you teasing me..... Stop..... I'm hungry..." He was so red of embarrassment.

"okay let's eat before I eat you alive for my lunch and might be wasting the food...."

"you..... Pervert......." he punch my arm softly and push me away from him.

"okay let's eat try this it was best...."  I feed him.

He look at me first in not long he ope his mouth for the food I offer. "hmmm it great." he moan.  I know he like it and I wanted him to enjoy the lunch.

Whatever delicious the food is but that is nothing to compare to the lips that I just tasted. My little one is standing hard. 'Shit just a small moan you stand,, behave self.' I cursing myself.

"Stop moaning baby I might not control my monster."  I stop him.

"heyyy did I do..... I'm not......." He look at me.

"you are.......and after lunch what about watching movies after." I offer, so I be with him a bit long.

" oh sure sir... "

"drop that sir please.....we kiss already. Just call me my name or some endearment." I wink at him.

"Ohhh I don't know what to say....."

"okay fine call me daddy......"

"you look like a dominant one."

" and yes I am a dominant.... "

" ohhh... In that case do I need to follow your rules.? "

"yes and I had nine rules you need to follow."

"Wow yesterday night last I check, I'm a single and free, last night I had a savior, this morning I had someone that called me as a concern and now I had a dominant person in front of me..... How crazy....." he rant on me.

"but that rules never been put without purpose. But we are not yet talking about that now."

I said to him because I feel his tension inside. I don't fucking want to lose him in this early, even in the future.

"relax baby..... If that rules is in my hands I let you read it if you don't like. Then don't sign it. But if you think it will help then do it."

He keep eating not bothered to what I said. I know inside him is battling. But I won't let him to run away from me. Never.....

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