Family meeting 27

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Samuel pov

Flash back

When I heard the words "time of death" my world is sinking. But a loud voices is shouting back.

"everyone back here, he is fighting...." A woman voice I heard early is giving her subordinate a order to come back.

The sudden happening inside of the room, is giving me a warm air to breathe. My eyes release a happy tears...

"Baby... Please fight,,, after this I won't let you be hurt again, I promise to protect you with my life... Please fight for us. "

After twenty minutes the doctor is coming out. Her look is so tired but a positive aura is on her face. She approaching on me and said.

"Congratulations boss you had a great fighter man..." She post a bit and said. " at first it was so difficult to bring him back but he did, and unhold us for awhile, I think he can't make it after twenty minutes of pumping him. But after that minutes he come back and be come stable. The bullet is never make any damage on his heart and lungs. Although he lost a blood but for now we replace it. He sleep because of the sedative I give and he wake up later. " she smile at me and give me a permission to get inside of the room after thirty minutes, because the staff clean and prepared the room.

"Thank you doc. "

"Your welcome sir. I go take my rest, call me if you need anything. "

"Okay, you go ahead. "

After the staff leave the room, I come inside I saw Zyrel situation he had a machines to support his breathing a heart monitor, and more. When I came on his side I hold his hand, it was bit cold I rab it so it make something hot for him. I wish I'm the one in here not him. I can't handle the pain always at my heart. In no time the tiredness take me to my dream land.

What make me wake up is the soft touch on my face. When I open my eyes I saw him looking at me dearly, with his almost colorless skin after the lost of blood.

"Oh baby,,,, how are you... How long you wake up? "

"I'm good but breathless... I just wake up... Can I have a water? "

"Okay but I need to ask the doctor first.?"

"Okay.... Oh can you not tell my sister about this she might worry about me. "

"Baby sorry but I done informing them even my parents and sister. They are all waiting for us at home. " I apologize on my advance action.

" hmmm..... What can we do if that happened already..... " he said.

I saw him not being that worry about the reaction of his family. My mom is more over reacted when she heard ,when I call her. Yes I already tell them about my relationship with this man, and they never tell me to stop.

After a hour we are on our way home. Because I had a fully equipped for medical emergency room for Zyrel. I don't want him at the hospital. I think it is not safe for him.

My parents travel our home just to be with us while my man recovery, but zyrel parents is staying at his sister as we plan.

When we arrived he still sleeping for the second dose of sedative the doctor has been give to him, so he is relax on the travel. The elevator bring us at our home. When the door is open my mom rush to the bed, and look at zy. She give me a mother hug and kisses before she give zy, a adoration kiss and said.

"He is so beautiful, like his sister. "

"Thanks mom. "

"Brother can I give him hug? " my sister ask me. I give her a nodd of approval.

"Why so unfair he was pretty even he is a man. "

"Your pretty too. " I pamper her. " hey leo... Hi ma'am, sir. " I give my greetings to zyrel parents and sister.

"How was he? Who abducted him? " zy mom ask me while his father is holding his hand.

"Guys I settle him first at the room, I'll be back after. " I said.

They give the kisses on zy, the two nurse and the doctor push the bed to the room. When everything is done the doctor and the nurses are going down to the condo unit that I prepared for them. I come back at the leaving room where all of the family members are seated.

"So what really happened? " my mom ask me directly.

"When the time the security system of the company hack by the people how abducted him. Zyrel goes to the roof top to take a air. The abductor use a helicopter to take him while zy leave his guard." I said.

"And who is this person?" His brother-in-law ask.

"You believe me or not.... It's Luke Amone, one of zyrel best friend. "

"What? Why he do this, I can't believe.?

"He has a feeling toward zyrel long time ago upon learning the relationship I had with zyrel he end up of abducted him. " I explain.

While we talk my phone is ringing. I saw the ID is belong to my belove. I know he is wake up, I tell the visitors that he is up. Then everyone is goes to the room.

Zyrel reaction was priceless. "Mom, dad your here? "

"Not just your parents is here and also your in laws are here too baby. " I said and showing him my parents and sister.

"Everyone.... " zyrel said the color of his face change into red on what he see.

"Don't be shy or being embarrass son I'm proud of you on whatever sexuality you decided. " zyrel dad said.

"And dear don't feel shy to me and my wife and our daughter. We all know about your relationship with our son long time ago. So we are not surprised but we are excited to see you. " my dad is added.

The whole thing are now to good to be and both of our family are in good terms. I had nothing to ask for.

Back to present

My body get relax when a arm wrap me from the back. I smell the natural scent of the person behind makes me calm.

"Why to early here? Oh don't tell me you still remember that past month. " he said while he buried his face at the crook of my neck.

"Baby I can't forget that,  that is my worses nightmare in my whole life. " I said.

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