Talk 9

448 26 1

Zyrel Maxx

I wake up to unfamiliar room this room is so big and with glass wall. My eyes went wide when the time I feel a arm around me. And scoping me to the warm body. I jolted, his face buried in my back and air from him is hitting on my skin. ' fuck!!!! Where I am..... "

Curiosity kicked me hard and I turned my body to check who is behind me. I can't believe on what I see it was Samuel Ford.

' why I'm in his arm now the last memory I had is me and my friends dancing like crazy. And I don't know why I'm with him? And what this place, where am I?'

He hold me more tight. And kiss on my lips and said.

"Good morning baby. How was you feeling?"

"morning.... Why I'm here? Where this place? How I end up here?"

"Baby breath. I answered all your questions later but first answer me how was your feeling."

"My head is killing me. Body pain too."

"okay I made you something for this belly..." He touch my stomach and kiss on.

"heyyy.... Now answer my questions."

"Let me handle that hangover you had and we talk."

"you know that unfair...." I roll my eyes.

" don't do rolling your eyes at me."  and I mimicking him.

He suddenly picked me up and lay my stomach on his lap. He slap my butt in two times.

" heyyy that's hurt...." I protests... But I can't explain my self, every time he slap me that brings me pleasure.

" Why I slap you? Because you become a stubborn this morning."

"oh but answer me" I'm acting like a brat and stubborn one in his front. Things I never do before. I'm getting different when I'm with him.

"Fine... Your so drunk last night. When I knock your door. I saw people inside and I don't want to risk your safety. I bring you here because I know you become a stubborn and go to work even your not okay. And this place is mine and we are in the island you can't go home if I'm not saying you. The way back is by sae and by air. No other way to go back in the city without me. " my jaw is drop and my eyes is open wide.

" So now I'm Kidnap by Samuel Ford... Gushhhh... " i shouted out of my frustration.

" In short yes, but I don't had plan to Jill you here, all I want is you fine in the work.... Oh by the way do you remember what did you do last night? And here my phone call your company and tell them your not fine and take your absent. " I take his phone because I don't had any choice.

I call the office good thing I memories the number of the HR. They allow me because I'm barely going to absent. I don't had long absence every since I work. I follow him at the kitchen I saw the warm and neatly white surrounding. All is white even the curtain is white.

"What you make?"

"here is your milk and pill... I made some French toast Sunnyside up eggs and bacon...... Hmmm... What happens last night why you people to much drunk."

"Nothing just hang out with friends we barely seeing each others lately." I said.

"did you remember anything happened inside your house. Because when I checked all of them are wild."  I think what exactly happened.

Luke is changing his eyes is always glued at me. I am bit confused on the actions of Luke. He was more clingy in me. But I won't bother. Maybe he had problems that trying to tell me but because the whole gang is present he hold it back.

What I surprise more is when he slide his hand at my back and squeeze my ass. He always stay at my side openly touch my upper body. When the first dance I did he grinded at my front and slide his hands to my body down until in my legs

' fuck... What with Luke? He acting differently.' I bring back to reality after Samuel patted my shoulder.

"Baby your escaping so much.... There is anything happened with you and friends."

"No we always like that.... Wild when we are together..... Sometimes crazy...." I answered him half truth.

We talk the whole day and go to swim in the afternoon. I ask him about his work he said he was engaged to a business. And he was also the owner of the building where I lived. yes I already saw how far he operates a business because of the evidence the result of his hard work.

We never had sex in whole day he ask to forgive him. In my opinion how to forgive him if he done anything to me. I just shock the things he said that night. Then who I am to judge him.  we end up promising to know each other more before we talk about that contract and rules or a relationship. It was brings me and him to be a good friend first and develop later.


Time goes by it's now night. I'm already at my home after he send me here. I fix the things inside and clean. After I call my friends and apologize of my sudden leave. Telling the good excuses and hoping they believe that. I clean the whole area from my room to the kitchen. After that goes to my bathroom and sulk my body to the bath tub for couple of minutes before going to bed. Samuel sending me a message a good night message.

Sam: hope you good sleep... Good night baby.

Me: thank you daddy.... Hope you sweet dreams... Good night

Simple message that brings my heart a thousand happiness.

After 4 days

In the whole week days he messaged and call me every break time. He said he had a business trip to abroad in four days. Luke also pop up two times at my house. And today is his second time to come without prior notice.

" Hey buddy.... Why you always crashing here? There some problems you act wired this week?"

" I don't know Zyrel I can't stop missing you." he said and I laugh at him.

"Dude are you freaking serious.... Hey slowly if you don't want me to think that your changing and trying to hit on me." I jokingly to his remarks.

"what you do if I tell you that I'm planning to do that." he replied.

"hahaha..... Buddy I'm not against in being gay or bi. But if you seriouse I will tell you don't." I said to him shaking my head.

I'm not giving him a chance not because I don't like or disgusting with, but I can't because someone is trying me now. I'm not a person who interneted in two guys in the row, also he is my freaking best friend. My friendship to him will change if I let him continue the plan he had in me.

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