Card 13

343 22 1

Zyrel Maxx

At his flat he just dropped his suitcase at the couch and take his dress and put it in the couch too. Then he look at me he grabbed my waist and give me a tender kisses. He pull me, he seat and settle me directly on his lap, with a great force I drop my body on him my face almost drop at the floor but Samuel knows how to control and hold me tight before I get injured. My stomach at his lap giving him a good access to my butt. In my shock he  unblock my pans and unbuttoned it pull my zepper down. He pulled my pans and unde in my knees. I feel coldness of air in that part. I could imagine he was on his smirk on my most variable state.

"you know what I want to do now baby.?" He ask me.

"I..... don't know babe." my answer is unsure.

"I want to punish you baby.... You know why.?" he ask me again while he rab his big hands at my ass.

"oh...... Why I didn't know what I do wrong.." I protest. But a couple of minutes I get why he is bet upset..... But he still wants me to think about it.

"hmmmm....don't  play dumb with me baby, your such a smart for not remembering..." he declared.

"yes daddy....I remember now."

"till me why baby..... I want to hear it."

"I'm not supposed not to touch by others. But I'm not on wrong..." I struggle on his lap and I make a reason.

"but still she touched you. And let her do that." my eyes get wide when the first slap landed on my butt. But it was so weird I'm getting hard on it.

' Baby I want you to count until understand..... "

" yes daddy..... " he slap me again.

" Two



Five...... Ahhhh...... "I moan on the last slap I get that made me almost cum.

"So you learn your mistake.?"

"yes daddy....."  I answered him. While my cock is troubling.

"now go take you bath. take all her dust and dirt on your body because I smell her in you. Remember no one can hold you except me."

I run to the bathroom and aiming to relax my body. I wanted to release. But to think that I be punish because of touching my self without his permission I shake my head for the thing I think on. I turned on the shower in a cold to relieve my temperature and for me not to attempt to touch my self. After cold shower my body back on normal temperature.

'how could I be pleasure on just a slap on my butt? Is his affect on me is that high.... Fuck...... Why my body react that way when he touch me?' I mumble.

I walk back to the kitchen because of the things he said to my boss. I'm afraid of losing my job even I know he can provide me with any of my needs. But I don't want to be dependent on him. It was clear in the contract we had, but I grew up in this world not depending on other.

I saw him in the kitchen as I expected. He is facing to the things he doing . I go near to his back and warp my arms. I become more clingy this past week I don't know why I always miss him every time his present is not around.

"hmmmm baby.... Need anything? And give me ten minutes.?"

"I miss you.... Hmmm but first. What you mean to the things you said at my boss?"

"Okay go get my suitcase take the papers and ready it so you understand. And about the resignation I do already your letter." 

I can't believe this man I said to myself. I know before I react to his actions I need to know his reasons why. Samuel is a business man he knows what his doing.

I start scanning the papers at the counter of the kitchen. My eyes went wide, I can't believe this thing happening in my work place all the transactions are full of corruption. Work I been doing is just apart of hiding their issues.

"babe...... All of this are true?" I ask him suddenly. "Because I'm started to think that I'm so stupid on not knowing this." I added. I'm so disappointed to the company heads.

" Baby..... Don't think that.... You just a accountant analyst and your work is to review the goes and income of your company, base on the input they give in to you. They are the one who drag their business down not you so don't worry. "

" So it is your reason why you want me to leave that company?" I ask again." And if this the reason, how and where you get all of this information.? " it confused me and I wanted a answer.

" My baby..... I had connections and people who make that work for me..... And here you food let's eat. "

Samuel is a person who always had his way to change the topic easily. Yes I am really happy to had the documents in my hands. Not happy to the things I discovered. Maybe it is also a way for me to push my self to set out of that place. For this time  only thing I need to see is my resignation letter. The truth is that it was my second attempt of having a resignation, after they first issued of the company it involve a higher position before and now this issue come up again. And I don't want them to use me again as their cover. I think the offer of Sam before.

" So if I pull out my work tomorrow I can expect I still had your offer on me?" i want to be sure of the offer.

"yes baby..... And here..." he push a black card on me. I look at him with confused look. I'm not a gold digger and I don't had plan to use a money not coming from my hard work.

"what this for? This kind of car is contain a lot of money. Why you give it to me?"  I ask with a wide eyes.

" easy baby that card is part of our contract.........Remember I'm only person can spoil you of everything. And also I want to give you that for your personal use and I want to sure your financially able in all time you need it.......... Your salary is separate to my responsibility as a partner." he said with a tone of finality.

"So I don't had any choice to be chosen."

"you don't have to baby.... So enjoy being spoiled by your daddy."

I'm not really use to this kind. But as what he said there is no other way to decline the card he giving to me.  also I can just keep it and not bother to use it.

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