Friends 7

467 25 2

Samuel Ford

I worship his beauty beneath on me. His moan is like a beautiful song in my ears. I feel scared when the time he stop. Because my inner me can't stop, I want him to the point that I don't want him to say no to me. But after a few minutes he give me a signal to move.

I moved faster pushing and pulling. I pump him without any mercy. I want to give a reason to think twice to any other person who come to his way. I claim him mark him as mine. I saw my art in his skin proudly. I made it visible to all people to show them this man is mine. I licked his collar bone, suck it bite it while my hand playing his two beautiful nipple.

I'm on his I pull his face to look at me. I give him the most deep and skillful kisses. And he moan in my mouth..... I pull out from the kiss and start again to slap his butt.

"..... You like baby....."

"yes...... Daddy......more.... Faster...... Ahhhh.... " pumping him in and out pleasuring without limits he screaming my name on and on.

"yes baby.....your so great...... your so tight perfect for me....." in short period of time..... He moan again... A moan of his satisfaction as I well as the lust is showing in his face....

"...... I'm cumming....... Ahhhhh"

"..... Cum for's cum together......hmmmm"

In a minute shoot our loads shoot together. He made his unload in the floor while I'm his inside. I'm not making any inside cumming to other but him I made inside.

I pull my length. Then I pick him bridal style. Bring him to his room and I put him in the bed so I can put a warm water in his tub to clean. I go back at the room.

"are you okay.?.... Feeling any pain?"

"sore.... But manageable...."

"okay..... Come and I clean you up...." I put him in the water and I joined him. He was playing my finger and ask me.

"Why we end up to do sex.? You told me I can think of the things we talk lately....

" I can't hold my self..... And maybe I just to whipped and possessive towards you that I can't sleep without my mark in you.... "

" Ohhhh...... "

" tell me..... How many man touch you.... This body...."

"Your the first man touch me.... And in woman I been in three relationships.... Yes I do touch them all. You?"  he ask me back.....

"me........ I'm not counting..... I'm not in relationship.... I do only one night stand.... Contract relationship to..... I don't like to be controlled and I want a no feelings involve,..."

"So you mean..... Sex for you is like a game..... My God....." he let out a deep breath and stand from the tub. Taking his way and  his bath towel and look at me.

"... If your done here you can leave now...." he turn his face and walk away from me.

My heart is rambling inside..... 'no I can't lose him this early..... Fuck my danm mind....'

I get out from the bathtub and pick up the towel to warp my self when I get out on the room I see nothing only my clothes in there. I put my clothes and check Zyrel out side of the room I saw him setting at the couch watching a basketball show in one of the big Channel. I approached him I face him.

" Baby... Zyrel... If I say wrong to you I apologize for that."

"So that is the reason you want me to sign that contract.... You know that is crazy rules.... I tell you this I'm hug fun of a relationship with feelings.... Not like a relationship like a game.... You can leave now I need a rest."

"Baby.... Please can you still think about it....I'm really not in a relationship before.... And also we just found each other.... Maybe let's give it a try.... Please baby.....I want us"

"I think about it but I hate to make a promise.... You me leave now....." he turn off the TV and walked in his room. I see and heard he lock on it. I stand and start to walk in the front door and make sure I close the door properly.

'Baby I won't let go... Not now not ever...'


Zyrel Maxx

I feel like disgusted to my self after having a one night sex that dominant man. A feel disappointment to my self to let him fuck me in my own home. I seat on the edge of my bed consoling myself.

'don't worry self it will be fine. That is one night stand and take that a lesson to be learned. And at least you try to the kind of things to a man like you....'

After how many minutes I fall a sleep. And no need to think about what happened because there is nothing change after this night.

I wake up on the ring of my phone. When I saw the caller ID it was Mr. Ford and I had nothing business with him.  also I'm done paying him on saving me..... It is pair enough. My the phone ring again and again still same caller ID.

I feel annoyed I put his number into silent. Even he called me one hundred times I can't hear it. Because I had also some friends to visit today I prepared myself and house for them. Until Luke call me at my line.

"heyy.... What's up?"

"it was great.... I just want to inform that everyone is with me tonight and we bring drinks to... And also some foods."

"that is great... So I wait you guys here in my place tonight...."

"okay... And we sleep over...."

" Of course my place is your place to."

"okay see you later"

The hour come so fast. I'm excited to meet my friend and to escape of thinking about what happened last night . I run to my bathroom to take some bath, after I ordered some food for tonight. I walk to my to closet to change, nakedly and look for a jeans and black tee I took the something to cover the mark of my neck.

'that asshole put a fucking hecky on me..... Fuck him....'  I said annoyingly.

and I heard the door I walked to open it I saw my friends....

"Hey guys bit early.... How are you all... Come in first...."

"Hello buddy.... How was the life of a successful accountant in his field.?"

"it was tired but great." they hug me and pat their backs as I appreciate them.

"oh buddy you ordered something" ask Josh.

"yup I'm waiting for..."

"oh we reserve it man he approach us."

"think you..... Seat down guys I prepared the table...."

"We help...." the come to my kitchen and we made the dinner together. Make fun and talk about life. After food we go back the couch to start the liquor they brought.

"buddy how was vanezza are you two still together?" Aron ask me.

"I don't know buddy. She just lift without any words."

"So that mean hunting time again." Eric said with a toothy smile.

"heyy Eric.... Give him a break." Luke said.

It is what I love about my friends. We all open to our feelings. But honestly I betrayed them of not telling about the incident last night. And also I don't want to talk about it.

The night goes by and every one pretty wasted.  the sound of the music box started to be loud. The dancing is started.

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