First touch 6

505 28 3

Samuel Ford

I look at him at my monitor at home after I send him. You can call me pathetic creepy I will accept that. When the time I bring him out and here at my place I send my people to set small cameras in every corner of his house even in outside. While he use a wash room I install a GPS on his personal cell phone. And his door code is on my hand also. Because I want him to be safe and even he is far at me I can see him all the time in all time.

He ask me a time to think about the contract. I need the contract and rules because I want to know him more. Then it was early to say that I had a romantic feeling to him, what I had now is desire and adoration and him I can't say he had a thing on me. Only I know now is I don't want to lose him. I am selfish all thing belong to me is not for sharing. Because of that I'm on my monitor watching the things he done. It was easy for me to monitor him because of the size of the home. His floor area of his home is smaller than at mine in eighty percent.

He is on his phone this moment. He was smiling happy I never see any negative reaction he did. I listened the audio enough to heard what he remark.

"okay sure you can come tomorrow night...... Yes I waiting you here"

'fuck..... It was what he said that he need time to think..... Flirting with someone... Your mine Zyrel.... Mine alone'


Zyrel Maxx

After the exhausting discussion about rules and what soever punishment... I ask him to be home and think about the things...... I do not understand why need a rule in a relationship, even I'm feel wrong on it I'm still excited of that. But still there is something inside me keep kicking me of declining that said offer. But also I understand the situation maybe because we just started. And my mind back in the reality because of the ring of my phone.

"... Heyy Luke.... How are you buddy?..." Luke is my best friend since high school. We are friends almost ten years of our life time together with our six friends. Tommy,  Josh, Eric, Aron, Phil, jazz. We all both basketball players in the college time.

" We are great dude,..... It's been a awhile since last we meeting with the gang..."

"yes.... I'm stuck on work...."

"what about we pay you a visit tomorrow night?"

"okay sure you can come tomorrow tonight......"

"that's a dial I will ask the others too. And  expect us then tomorrow."

" Yes I waiting you here"

"bye dude.... It late already"

"sure dude...... Bye"  and I turn my phone. And run to bath.

I'm bit excited for the Sudden visit of my friends. It's almost half a year since we last meet. They are great at all, when the trials and drama in life they are there for me.

After the short shower I run to my closet and take a boxer. I usually sleep on boxer not bothered because I'm alone. Even I walk naked inside of may house. But I'm surprised on the knock on my door. I got out to check who is out side. But I'm surprised to the person in the outside.

".. Oh hey Samu......" I never done on what I said and he grab my hips and kiss me... It was rough and passionate. I even frozen for a minute he bite my lips to give him a entrance. Then I give him what he want. He search all sides of my mouth using his skillful tongue, he run his hand  on my back until he reach my butt and squeeze. Then pick  me up from the floor and put me to his waist and I lock my legs on.  he walk us inside and put me on my couch and he started to take off his clothes not leaving my mouth.

He revealed his perfect upper body and he started to touch my upper my lips using his tum down to my neck, and my nipples and down to my belly. And said.

"perfect..... All mine......." in his most sweet voice.... But the reality take me back. I push him a bit.

"Why you here....."

"I want to be with tonight.... I want to had you in my arms....."

"what...... We already talk about it....."

"but I can't wait that time....." and he starts to touch and lick me and eat my lips like his life depends on. He suck my nick passionately. He never let even a inch of my skin not touch and he found my erected nipples and I made my moaning inside of his mouth.

"hmmmm...." I bite my lower lip to minimize my sound. But the sensation he made on me in my body like a river of fire that burn inside me that I want to shout it a loud. He managed to pull down my boxer down  until my feet without knowing it. My eyes went wide open when he take to my length to his mouth...... He move fast as he could and the climax is near on me.

I can't imagine my self in this kind of make out with a man. It was different from my past. The fire from the lust of Samuel expression brought my desire in to the most pick.

"..... Ohhhhh daddy...... I'm so near....."

"........ Cum for daddy baby......"

"Ohhhh.... I'm Cumming......" I'm pushing him  but he never stop but gag me more until I explode my load to his mouth...

"....... Ahhhhh........" he lick all of my seeds. Then he strip his pans and underwear.  I saw his number hard as a rock... Then he flip me like light thing and pull me in the edge of the couch display my butt to him. Then he slap me " hmmmm" I moan and my length stand proudly again... he slap me again and again and again until twenty times. In ever slap he made is making me almost cum........ The Only sound I made is moan.

he put something cold on my butt and play at the entrance of my body...

" be ready and I enter my first finger....." I'm shock at first but I nodded my head without any second thoughts as a answer.

"I want a word baby..... And your safe color is red  if you want me to stop....."


"are you ready baby....."

"green daddy....." I feel he slide his first finger in and start to thrust me in and out. And he hit my soft spot.... "ahhhh.... Daddy there....." he pull and now I feel the three fingers in and the pain is spreading.

"ahhhhhhh........." I never said anything but moan.

"sssshhhh..... It okay baby it will be fine later." and he move in and out in me. After he pull.

"ready for daddy.... Baby...." he said in full of lust and desire on his voice ...

"green daddy....." and he enter slowly inch by inch. But the pain is on me like my body cut into half. "..... Daddy red....." and he stop and I let my tears run out my eyes.

".... Baby.... You want daddy to stop here...."

in a few minutes I adjust his size and said...."..... Daddy no.... Green daddy.... Move......"

He move slowly from the start until make it faster and faster..... Keep hitting on my soft spot.... Moan and whimpering is keep sing on my lips. He reache my lips to taste it back.....

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