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The time has come for Zyrel to meet the only brother of the man he love. Early in the morning Zyrel was busy on his preparation for the meeting of the will known man in the business society. He feel nervous on this meeting because it is his first meeting of the person. This action is not escape on the husband's eyes.

"Hey baby.... What with that worry look?"

"I can't stay still before of meeting this man, and his your brother to.... " zy stop on what he done and look at his man while answering the person.

"If that is your problem come here and relax because there's nothing to worry about it. My brother is a nice guy, and his wife is more nicer than anyone I know, and with Alice she is more hype than a teenager... So don't be worry.... " the other walk and set on the lap of the man. He hug the person to comfort him.

In six o'clock in the evening the couple are on their way to the home of Fox family. It was a half a hour drive from their location if the traffic is good, but if it is worsh it was about a hour.

When the car is entering on the high in subdivision Zy heart is starting to beat harder, but he become calm after the familiar hand holding his. The journey is end at the high black gate in the middle of the society. The gate is automatically open and they enter without any restrictions. When they got down they welcome of the two handsome and a pretty guys with a great smile on their lips. Sam was greeting them with a hug.

"Hello,,,, Zyrel right? "The man with a perfect smile and more softer than the other  is asking zy?

"Yes sir... " zy answer shortly.

"Don't feel nervous... We all love to meet you here, I'm doctor Jack Jones Fox.... And that man is my husband Alexander Fox.... Welcome home. " the sweet Jack Jones Fox introduced himself and his husband.

"Hello everyone oh why you people not inside are you all making secret on me? " the woman on her elegant look dramatically sulking.

"Alice we just welcoming the new member of the family... " Jack said defensively.

"Ohhh wow... My brothers got all cute lovers from jacky,,,, now this.... Zyrel right? " Alice said  with a beautiful eyes on Zy, while the man on her back just shaking his head.

"Yes Zyrel Maxx, You? "Zyrel ask politely.

"I'm Alice Yamamori and this guy is David McQueen my boyfriend.... " the woman introduced her and her partner and a shake on hands for David the kiss on the check for Alice, zy did as formality.

"That is enough,,,, I heard the voices of the Angel from inside... "Sam said while pulling Zy on his side possessively. While Alice role her eyes on the man action with the loud laughter of Alexander and Jack....

The reunion of friends with their new members was make them stronger. Talking nonstop to the past months they don't see each other catching up everything they miss in each life.

Zyrel might one of the newest member but he never lifted behind because Sam make sure it never be happened. The new members meet the two wonderful children of Fox family it was so refreshing after the long days, months of toxicity... Upon looking the wonderful children it brings Zyrel heart a soft butterfly that increase his desire of having a child... While Samuel Ford is fully support on it.

Life for every people walking in this world is had their own path to walk too,,, different game of chasing each other's dreams and finding the love on their life, to change them for a better one. But even on their different battle of life, the three strong leader of a deadly groups are setting side by side as a good friend....


For me, Love is like a accountant formula, you need to follow every step to solve the equation. You don't need to hurry and use the short cut methods because it never guarantee you a exact answer.

Learning on how to familiarize the person. Learn his life is like a page of a book. You can't said it was good because of the cover, or bad because of the introduction. You need to read it page by page, absorbing ever details you read to learn who he is.

I might be impulsive of giving Samuel a chance in the very early time. But I make sure I learn his history everyday of my life with him. He has that hidden things, but every time he show me that every hiding stuff is revealing in the right time.

He teach me to love, to care, to understand and to be who I am. Loving a mafia lord is my greatest treasure in life. Loving Samuel Ford is my safest place. His possessive and protective side is my home.

I'm Zyrel Maxx loving my mafia lord.


When I first landed my eyes on him I feel this feeling of connection, comfort, and peace. He was my fresh air to breath, a fresh place to lay is besides him.

I can gamble my life just to protect him, I can loss my life just to give him a life. The strong wings I had he easily to break, but he give me a new one stronger than before. He was like a promise from the past, when the time I found him I can't live without him.

Battle field is my gaming place and killing is my game. Ruthless is on my blood, harassment is my toy.

But when he come on my life he change it into a new one. He teach me to give a importance of life. He change my gaming place from dark to light. Zyrel is my fresh begging a life giver a source of forgiving and forgiveness... But he is also the only person that let the devils inside me to come out, when he is on danger.. 

I am Samuel Ford... I am a mafia lord.

Author's pov

Every person in this world has different journey in life, different path, different characters, different story and different destination. But we are all standing in one land under a one sky.

Even we had a different uniqueness in life, but when the love is come all the difference of individual is gone and it lead in one path, walking to one direction. The difference of Samuel Ford and Zyrel Maxx made them stronger upon learning each other. It was like a strong force that bring  them one.

They said love is no boundaries, love is love....

..................The end.................

Thank you for the support love you all...

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