Who really are you? 15

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Zyrel Maxx

I can't believe on who Samuel make a decision for me that i can't even make a voice to opposite with him. When we are on our way to his office, I can't hold my feeling of being annoyed to him. Before I blow this into other person  I need to make it clear to him, because even my ex-boss can't question his direct decision of my resignation.

" hmmm can we talk, I need to clear my mind." I started.

" sure,,, what is the problem of your mind baby?"

" Who really are you? Why you need to answer in behalf of me? And it was clear to both of us that you can't interper on my work." I ask him.

" Baby always remember the rule. A part on it is I need to protect you to any kind of harm. And that situation can harm your name, and name is so important to any one." he answer me .

" oh how far is your business run? Why they are afraid to mess with you and they obey on you?" 

" my business run so far, in fact it was standing almost half of the globe..... because of my reputation and knowledge in the business world, and my ties they always obey me."

As what he said to me my trust is still with him. I don't see any reason for not trusting him. After twenty minutes of driving we arrive the office building of Ford group of companies. The prestigious building standing high in the heart of the economic center of the country, it was about seventy floor of commercial building. As what I know all the tie companies of FORD groups is having their office here. And five call center company is inside of the giant building.

In outside the building the guards are standing in front. When you enter to the entrance you can see the front dist and all the employees are frizz to their work and greet the man next to me. I feel my face is heating and all the blood is goes up to my face and make it red, because of embarrassment to his action.

" Good morning sir ..." people said polity. And the business man next to me is just replay them with a simple nodde of his head lifelessly. I can't question him of his way, if he is being soft the all this kind of business is never run as good and as successful as this now.

" Hey.. your arms...Look at the reaction of your employee here."

" Let them baby. And welcome to your new working place. This place is safe for you, no one here dare to hurt you. If they try they expect life is the payment."

My eyes is almost jump from my socket on what I heard from the mouth of the man that I call boyfriend.

" Hey ....are you freaking serious of what you say? "

"Yes I am... but don't be afraid baby I'm just kidding." and he laugh creepily.

We walk to the group of people. He stand in the front holding my hand protectively like a possessive mafia leader. He love showing his power over me. He never been a shame to show the people that I'm belong to him. And he hold the mick.

" Good morning to all of you here. I just want to inform to all of you here that my boyfriend is working here with us starting today. I want you all to respect and follow all his order. One more don't ever try to touch what is mine, because I never think twice to punish. Am I clear everyone." And every one is nodding of understanding. " Now help me welcome him, Zyrel Maxx , baby come joint me here."  He added and call my name.

Samuel Ford

I call my man to come and join me in front. He stand and walk to me. I saw every pair of eyes in that room is following him. Some male and female not holding their desire to my man. That bring my blood to boil, but I know no one can resist his beauty. That even me when my eyes landed on his face he smitten my soul and hold it tight that I can't run away from him. 

I feel worry and I know it is the start for me to stay close monitor to all of his movement and also the people around him. But this is convenient for me because they all know my rule. Zyrel office is share with me to avoid any complication, everything is ready for him. and i make sure his secretary is one of my trusted one.

" Baby.. say hi to your new workmate." I give him the time to say something as his start.

" Hello everyone ....My name is Zyrel Maxx as what Mr. Ford said I'm his boyfriend but don't be afraid to come to me if you need any help. most specially to accounting and finance department. As pair on everyone I just clarify that I don't know yet my position here. Thank you for welcoming me here, How I hope to work with you all greatly. " He said and give his most sweet smile to all. 

That my my jealous heart active. I pull him to my side and lock him in my body. like I'm afraid of losing him in one blink of my eyes. He just let me to hold him and he wave to my employees a sweet goodbye.

' Baby I can't wait to punish you at my office table.' I murmured to my self. And the evil smile showing on my lips, just thinking of him on my table moaning my name and begging to cum.  

I guide him to the elevator that bring me and him to the top floor using my private elevator. He was amaze to the size and how the elevator design. And the curiosity is kicking him again.

"Why we just the only people inside of this elevator? And why your mood get a bit change into jealous man when we are there with your employee. And now that your mysterious smile is painted in your lips?" he face me and I clip my strong arm to his waist and he hold his two perfect arm on my neck. I kiss his sweet and soft lips, devouring those and take the taste of heaven in his mouth. My hand is running on his back and I press the lock button.                 

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