Issues 12

334 24 1

Samuel Ford

I'm bit worried about the the situation of my man. I ask my men to gather all the information of the company he work.  The company owned by Mr. Van. He had two wives and both wives trying to take advantage it's other. All them are greedy. I don't want my man well involved any of their mess.


It was third day after I ordered my men the things and it was all in my table. As I ask my boyfriend how far he done for his work he truthfully answer me that it was far because he need to find a good evidence to prove of his accusation to some big name of this company where he work. I thank God my source get it as fast as three days. I can't be relieved if he is not in my wings.

At the noon time I call him. In three ring of the phone he answered me.

"Hey babe...."

"Hi are you doing this whole morning?" I ask him, I plan to make our dinner at our home and give him the paper I holding now and still safe if I discuss this matter at home not somewhere that might hear....

"here busy to solve this thing I had now." he answered. I heard his exhausted voice.

"hmmm what if had lunch with me. So you take a fresh air and get out from that toxic place for a while." I suggested him.

"that pretty nice offer but lady boss wants to had lunch with me...."

" but baby remember the rules. No one can pampered you except me."

"possessive..... Okay I figured it out how to decline her without harm....."  yes I was and it was true that I'm possessive.


But now his safety is priority. Mostly now my people catch a man trying to take advantage my low key life.  I get some information that he was coming from the other organization. Meanwhile I do not bothered as long as no one know who really am. Late last night I deal one of the rival organizations. I can't believe they still trying to take advantage with my goons but because of their stupid decisions I don't had a another choice is to give what they wanted from me.


But for now the most important thing for me to do is to keep my man for any harm. I plan to snatched him for his previous work and tide him in my side. that is my plan. I'm sure to made this tonight and take him out of that company tomorrow. .

"Baby make sure you're been in out side of that building in ten minutes okay....."

"yes.... Sir..." he said teasingly.

As I assumed he is now in his way to me. After half a hour I send him back to work. And make my day as busy as usually happen. I run some under ground business problems. Check the connection to the government and put is as strong tie as possible. For now government is giving me a new project and new opportunities to expand a another countries as the leader recommended us to their partners. Now I do business in United nations and European unions and united Arab countries. To provide a good and reliable service in terms of information from the treat of enemy's and produces their top high quality of fighting weapons.

Even the exhaust day I'm still excited to come back home because I know the person that I wanted to see and erase all the tiredness is home with me. Know I'm outside of my car waiting for him to come. I already informed him of my arrival. When I saw him my happy and excited mood dropped and charged into jealously. The man I want to see is with someone on his side, clinging like glue. I know she is one of Mr. Van daughter.

'so she is the woman that my boyfriend said is flirty. Let's see what she said now.'

I walked fast as I could when Zyrel saw me he didn't know what to do. He is nervous and afraid on my reaction. But instead of giving him a negative response I let my killer smile to paint in my lips. When I'm so near with them I open my arms for him. I saw the confusion look of the woman, and that look is change into disbelief when Zyrel pushed her hand down and run in me with a smile.

"Baby ...... Miss me?... Because I miss you?" and I leap him.

"hmmm I just see you this lunch.... But yes I miss you too." he doesn't bother the woman still listening with a disgusting look.

"So you changed now Zyrel from a hunk to a disgusting fagot.." she said " and ohh.. I don't want you to take long with your report tomorrow... And leave that in my office and disinfect it after you leave." she added.

"be careful lady with your words.... You don't know what is coming tomorrow... And don't even try to call him a name.... And don't even try to across his way again and expect his resignation letter tomorrow morning..." I answered her. Zyrel is so confused and bit shock. He trying to cut me of what I said but I still managed to give him a look so he shot his mouth. And also I don't give a fucking care about the woman and her company. Because tomorrow is her end of her dirty tongue.

" what you mean...." she yell at us after I dragged my man in my car and drove it away. I still saw her in her disbelief when she saw my car I use and the two other black cars following.

"what...... Is the meaning of all you said earlier? You can't just drag me out of that company that easy because I still had contracted with them." Zyrel late reaction of all just happen.

"Baby relax I can easily get you from that place and I don't want you to work in that kind of company with a homophobic boss. And also that company can drag your name into mess, and I explain it at home."

"what.... What kind of information about my company you had?  And how you know about it?"

"as I said baby I explained it to you at home."

I turned focus my attention on the road. And also he shut his mouth too. I know he is quite interested the things I know about the company he work with. But also he knows it was not a right time to talk while we are in the road and the issue is quite serious.

I can see he was afraid too, of losing his job but later I assure him, all he need I give him.




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