Boss 11

384 25 2

Zyrel Maxx

I think so much about the thing in that contract. I'm also still allowed to work and to stay at my home if I want too. For people who know me maybe they can said I'm stupid to accept that kind of arrangement. But I still want to try the things that I never done before. I'm sure on my self that I don't want to share that kind of arrangement with others.

Now I'm at the work place where I use to work, Samuel allows me to work in same place but not allowed me to overtime at work he provides me a good monitoring system for stuck market for my safety I do not know why his obsessed on my safety but I don't bother.

Here in the office my boss wants me to work closely with her. Ever since I step this place she give my a special attention or it was so called flirting. But I don't like her I don't want to be with a woman who show her interest to a man, and now I don't want her most because I try to date man in a first time in my life.

The action of her at first it was basically okay and no issues with. Thinking of the same way and also Samuel don't give a rules against the work. I think it was okay for him to work with her she is not a treat to any of the relationship arrangement between me and Sam. While I'm on my thoughts, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Zyrel..... Good morning." she greeted me while settling her self at my table showing her legs.

"hello ma'am,,, good morning too." I  answered her respectfully.

"So what happened yesterday? Your being absent and you tell me that your sick are you okay today?" she put her hand on my forehead to check if my temperature is fine.

"Of course ma'am, and don't worry about me.... Ohh by the way I put already in your table the partial report from yesterday movement of the stuck market. I already reviewed the yesterday report for company account for the income. We still hold on high level now. Also some projects is on the demand in the market you need to prioritize for a moment. " I said to her.

" this is what I like you the most Zyrel, even I'm not yet asking you the report is you already give it. Your always my favorite employee as always. Ohh thank you... " she compliments my work and give thanks in flirting way.

" your welcome ma'am. But I need to done some of errand here to finished the report of my accounting analysis from yesterday. Remember that is just partial." I said so she leave me alone.

" okay you can continue your work. Oh what about we had lunch together. "

" ah sorry ma'am I had someone to be with in lunch. Maybe next time. " I said because Samuel is with me at lunch.

" who??? Is she more important than your boss? " she ask with a disappointment look and anger.

" is not a she ma'am and something important to me too this lunch. " she smiled at me after knowing that he not a she. I don't really want her attention and it is not also appropriate.

" okay.... " and she lift.

If other man jumped on her because of the offer, for me not. she is away from my taste for a relationship, with her is something trouble for me because of the company policy and rumors around the work. Even there is nothing between me and her they rise their eye browse in me. And that is so called complication of work.

After I reviewed the work from the accounting department I ask a short meeting with the department head because of some holes of the certain reports. Some accounts are had a big budgets but there no certain projects to be done. I also ask the project and marketing department to hand me the whole report from two weeks ago.

At lunch time come so fast. Sam call me at exactly eleven, forty-five to remind me his is on his way to my work fifteen minutes earlier before lunch break. After I keep the important documents on a safety under the box inside of my drawer and lock it. I walk out my office and meet Sam at the lobby. When he notices my arrival he look at me with a big smile. He was holding a Bouquet of flowers. A bright smile is lingering on my lips to him. He warp his arms at my waist which is so awkward to my part knowing I'm working here and they all know me as straight man.

"Hello baby.... How was your work this morning ?"

"great... Boss still flirty and work is busy. Because I need to arrange the account today because there is abnormalities on the budgets I saw holes on it."

"what how that happened if the company is fully watched by the boards and the CEO. That is only come up if the CEO and finance is on their personal connected to each other." Sam said and yes he is true about that. It is not a first time happening in the company every since I enter here.

"yes that is right because it is not my first time, before the board catches them and change the higher. And now it come again."

"Baby what about resign and work at me I'm worried about you now because of that company."

"I'm great to that work."

"I don't want your name drag that people in a mess mostly now you senior accountant analyst."

"hmmmm you offer me a work?"

"yes and I'm more happy if your under on my wings it brought me more relaxed. And your always safe at me."

"hmmm let me think.... And I think I need to finished this problem before I plan to leave. They might involve me in the corruption happening there. And the offer is right might I need that because I'm so tired with all of their dirty work."

"okay finish that and I wait you till you done, and the offer is always open baby for you."

I can't believe him, he just offer me a help. But I know in the contract he is the only person who can pamper me in any way but it is why to much. For this early moment of my relationship,  that I can't  say it last long for this moment.

"Thank you for the offer. You know it is so much your extended your help every time I need it. But I never been return any of it yet. " I said shyly.

"don't think the return as long as your in my side no need. Remember no other is allowed to paper and give your safety but only me."

When the lunch is done and he send me back to work and he doesn't allow me to bring my car, and basically I'm living with him now.

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