Brother 29

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I was at the room when Sam enter. Before he come I was thinking who is the man he called brother while ago. I only know he has only sibling and that was emerald. My heart escape and worry feeling and the questions is starting of popping up. I don't like this kind of feeling, I don't want to assume things around after what he done to me from my protection to love, and care.  But the smile he painted on his face the time he talk to the person on the other line is a smile that I never wetness on him to any person around him, we been together in a bet long now but I'm still learning the thing around him.

My spacing is cut by a soft kiss on my face and a tight hug on my waist, he even buried his face on my neck. His hot breathing is hitting on my skin that bring a million tiny voltage on my system. This simple action he made is making me feel easy and safe from my early feeling.

"baby why thinking so loud? Is there is anything happened that I don't know? " he ask me with wondering.

" hmm... Can I ask you something?.. Promise me you till me the truth... " I ask him again.

" what is that?  I promise to answer you truthfully. Try me now. "

"Hmmm... You tell me you had one sibling. Sorry if I over heard you but you talking to someone earlier and that smile painted on your lips is not a usual smile I see with you to other people around. Who is he? " I decided to ask than I keep it on my mind and it result in to misunderstandings in the future.

" oh you mean, that call just now.? " he look  at me dearly.

" yes.... Who he is? " I ask again same question earlier.

" he is my brother in this business and he is my adapted brother too." He said and stop just to kiss me on my lips. " he was my mentor too, in this kind of business.  After my father give up  our own syndicate before. I restarted it when I see that it is not totally wrong if you don't engage to the bad side of the business." He start to explain every details. How he start it again and the market is more better than anyone, and how his so called brother help him.

"Ah okay I understand now. Who he is? You still not giving a name." I ask him again.

" thanks,  my brother is Alexander Fox... Of Fox group of businesses. His wife is Jack, or Jacky as I always call him. "

"You mean,,,, Alexander Fox... God.... They usually called in the business world the rapture business man. Because of the rapid growth of his business in just short period of time. " my eyes is almost jump out.

"Yes he was.... The rapid growth of the business he has because of the connection he knows before he started with his business while he help my father before. And my father allowed him to collaborate to the old business partners." He explain again.

"Okay.... Now I can breath freely... " I said.

"Baby.... Don't tell me you think that I romantically connected to my brother... God the wife of my brother is more deadly than him.... They said if my brother is ruthless,,,, his wife is 10 times more dangerous than him. And I don't had plan to dei on jacky's hands. " he said with a crunchy laugh in the end.

"Oh,,,, " the only reaction I made.

" yes baby.... And speaking of my brother he invite us to come for a dinner this coming Saturday. So you meet my brother, jacky and the other one of our group,, Alice.... " he said and mention a another name that I don't know yet.

" ohhh... Are you serious? " the beating of my heart start to increase every second.

" baby relax they are harmless to people who doesn't had any bad entries into the business and territories in short you are safe and I'm with you. "

"Okay.... " I breath a bet easy.

But my man start his way on me by picking me up from the couch where I seated he bring me into his lap and let me seat on there. He start to move his hand on my back. While his nose smelling every scent I had on my neck. He started to bite my shoulder I know it leave a mark on there,  he unbuttoned my shirt. Then slowly removed my clothing one by one.

"Let me help you baby to ea's that uneasiness inside you.... " he said in his most husky voice, that give a chilling on my nerves.

" yes.... Daddy please.... "I pleading on him.

I want his touch every time I feel the uneasy feeling, I wanted him to touch me when I feel the feeling of unsafe time, a worry time and a sadness time.  When he does it my negative feelings are all vanish, and replace with calm and comfort. Sam is my safest place,  my wall to protect me from any feeling that can harm me. He is my sword to cut the dangerous thing inside my heart and my head. He is the fresh air on my suffocating world.


We make love in almost whole night. Now he was on my chest sleeping tightly. His face is buried on. His naked body is cuddling on me. I smile upon looking on his peacefully slumber. I couldn't wish on anything more than this moments.

'Baby your always and possessive wife. But that was so cute on you.... Now I feel more satisfied on your love upon showing this side of you. God thank you for this wonderful blessing you let me had.... I promise to protect it with my life. ' I murmured.


Now a days is more busy for me and my wife for the process and schedule for our plan of surrogacy. It was a big step for me and him. Also we start to work on the preparation for our simple wedding. Good that our country today start to adopt the same sex marriage. Although many are against the system but still we keep fighting for discrimination from the homophobic society, but because of keeping of holding on in this fight the LGBTQ is now in our step by step to achieve the dream of having a equality in the society.
One of the most bless now a days is me and my favorite man. be continue..................

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