Past 22

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After the conversation from my sister home, I feel his uneasiness. The pain in him is visible on his face. But he keep his silence that can kill my sanity. I decided to made a conversation with him and give him my assurance. Because I know in myself it is because if the topic we talk back then.

"Babe,,, are you okay? " I ask.

"Yes baby I'm fine. " he answer of the word fine but never reach on his eyes.

"It is because of the topic we talk back at my sister home? " he look at me.

"Are you still in love with her? "

"Oh.... No... Pain is the only feeling feel now for her it is because of why she left without any explanation. Also my relationship with her is not yet close or done, me and her is not breaking apart, but don't worry I only up to her is explanation. No more back together. " I said.

"Care to share your love story on me? "

"Hahaha. Are you serious? "

"Yes I am. Care too share. " he said.

I don't have choice to be chosen but to told the untold past between me and vanniza.

Flash back

I'm hurry to my university, in last month of the school year. I'm happy and excited for the graduation, most specially I had a a big offer from the company where I got my OJT.

My thoughts back when I past a woman seating in the bench under the big tree in the middle of the campus. She is alone but I know I had to go for my class.

In the next morning I saw her again in the same place seating while reading a book. I walk to the place, she where she is. She attractive quite and peaceful.

"Heyy.... " I try to make a conversation.

"Oh hello. What can I do for you?" She greeted and ask me back.

" I saw you seating all day in here. Are you new? Oh by the way I'm zyrel."

"Yes I'm new .. Vanniza. Please to meet you zyrel." She answered me.

Since that day me and the new student of the campus being close. She always there for me, from my sports, school event, awarding in short she is part of my life to up's and down.

After few months I decided to court her. I like her and she answer me with 'the feeling is mutual between you and me.' so the relationship is born. With hope it last for long as I wish.

When the time past by the color of our relationship is start to change, because of lock of time. She is busy on her school and me is busy with my carrier. The change of feeling I feel every day past by.

She starting to be annoyed if I try to be with her, she always had a excuses when I ask her time as a normal lover. But I still keep holding on with her, giving her a time and space so she never suffocate with my relationship to her.

Until one day I call her for a date, but her phone is cannot be reach. I go to her home to ask her parents what happened why she is quite, but her mom said she is busy with her application for work.

I leave her house with a heavy heart. I run my car back home. When I'm in front of the mall I catch a familiar figure with a man next to her. Holding her hand and kissing her occasionally. The tears on my eyes is running like a rain.

Present (Samuel)

"Since that day I never talk and see her. The only thing I know she is with other man, and now I'm with you too. " he said.

I breath free after of what I heard. If she come back I won't allow her to be near with my man. He is now mine and I love him. I know in my self I never leave him.

"So what if she come and try to be with you again? Do you think of leaving me for her? " a sadness take my whole being.

"Oh........ " he look at me and never talk, thinking a right word to said.

"I never think to leave you for her or any one in this world. If she come back I might listen to her explanation so she could answer my question. Not wanting to be back but for the closure of the past. And also you are good enough for me and I don't look for more. "

"Thank you baby. Because I can't allowed anyone to take you away from me or to let you go that easy. Your my everything, my air to breath, my sun to shine and my world to move. " I said dearly.

"I'm more thankful of you to come in my life in the time that I need a person who understand and care about me. Although not all are good and happiness, but we both know a relationship of to people is not like a candy and chocolate, but there is also a roughness to our way. The only hope I had is no one between us, is stopped in the middle of our journey. "He answer me sincerely.

"Expec that I won't stop. I always with you and for us. "

I'm behind happy knowing the things are in the good side in my relationship with the man I love the most. We both know the feeling of one another.

Other person pov

"Boss.... That Samuel Ford information,,, is here with all his basic and some important information is with. "

"Great.... What you get in when you follow him? "

"Boss nothing he is just in office and home. Besides of having a special day for his lover."

"Oh... So his partner is a man. And it is quite looking gorgeous and pretty. " the boss said. But his eyes glued to the picture in the profile that he holding.

'Noooo it can't be...... Zyrel..... '

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